Square sun in the BoB mod.


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Only just noticed this but I'm getting a square sun in this mod. Starts that way from the moment it appears above the horizon. It's circular in the ETO mod. Both mods use the 4 Dec 2019 version of Ankor's shaders and probably the same settings in cfs3config. It's like the alpha channel on the sun texture isn't working. Any suggestions as to where to look, welcome! TIA.

Well, that did the trick - thank you!


Neither of the sun .dds files called in suneffects.xml were present - so I copied them over from the ETO mod.

There can't be much about the inner workings of this sim you don't know, MajorMagee!
I'm happy to be of service, but I think that there's probably more that I still don't know than what I've figured out the hard way.