Stachel meets Paarma in Finaland



Stachel meets Paarma in Finland

Well, another chapter in the lives of 2 OFF Devs has been written. I had the pleasure of meeting up with Arto (aka Paarma) in Helsinki, Finland this past weekend.

What a great meeting we had. Paarma took the time to educate me all about Finland and how it gained it's independece in 1918, then fought to protect it it against the Soviets in 1939-40. Unfortunately the weather was crummy that night, but it didn't stop us, nor any of the other Finns in Helsinki.

After first shaking hands at the Train Station, we stepped right into the converstaion as if we had seen each other yesterday. My wife being amazed again at how this could be, seeing that we live on the opposite side of the planet some 7 hours away from each other. But once again, as she did when I met Terry, she got an education about what it's like to have common interests, no matter how far away.

Paarma took us around the City Center and pointed out some great monuments and highlights of his City. It's a really nice place, bustling with a very young crowd of Finns walking around and looking very technical with today's latest hand-held gadgets. It's a clean city, and very well lit with signs and places to go. Me being from NY and often going to Manhattan, I'm used to the city atmosphere and the unknown dangers it can hold, but in Helsinki, I felt very safe and relaxed.

We stopped at of all things, a Southern-style American resturant and sat down for dinner. The food was great, and the conversation flowed. We had a lot to learn about and from each other. It's great being from a free society. Paarma explained his love of WWI aviation, and how he came to the team, and I did the same, much to my wife and daughter's suprise. It was funny to look at them listen to us. Here we have never met each other in person, but we knew a lot of each other and had a common historical interest. By the way... the Finnish beer was VERY good.

We finished up and went for a nice walk. Again, with Paarma pointing out what each building was and what we should see before we went home the next day.

It was a good time, and for me, a chance to learn more about another country in our world. Paarma gave me a book as a friendship gift, which was very nice. The book was entitled The Winter War, which described in very good detail the plight of the Finns when the Soviets attempted to take them over. I read it on the plane, I could not put it down. It was a great book. I learned that the Finns are some tough ***'s and no doubt, love their land and country, an aspect any true patriot can understand.

It unfortunately was a short meeting as we were only in town one night and we started late, but none-the-less, it was a good one. We enjoyed his company and Paarma left a very good impression on us of the people of Finland... very nice, and very accomodating as we experienced wherever we went in Finland.

Thanks Paarma, it was a great time, and no doubt a highlight in this crazy book I am writing called life. :)

Hope to see you at Terry's for the OFF Dev Team clam bake and beach bash sometime soon.

All the best,


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James (OvS) and Arto (Paarma) in Helsinki
After such a long (and long distance) collaboration on a massive undertaking like OFF, I can only imagine how great it would be to get together in person. Fantastic that you were able to get literally 'half way round the world' and make it happen :friday:
Hi James,

I just read your thread and i could not possibly add more. It was opportunity to meet James and his family finally. Actually i was sure at all that i would ever meet any of th OFF members. It was to me nice to understand that we could easily talk hours and hours, and not just the OFF or ww1.
It was very nice to meet you wife and daughter too. Im glad you liked the book! I could send you more books later.

Next time i will surely travel there in US, to meet at least Terry and you James. I hope someday we could all meet :)

All the best

Lieber Otto
I vas very touched from readink der report, ant seeink your non-smutsmeared face, and it made me ssink of you as an almost varm hearted human beink (***!) - don't let der enemy know!...
Baron von Olham

Seriously now - it was nice to see, after some time with this forum, two of the souls behind OFF (or at least your fotograph). Now, Arto and Jim, you have a face - nice to see you. Wouldn't it be a nice idea, if you, the OFF-team, put in a picture of you; or, if you don't come together so soon, a collage from photos of you, round a Christmas tree ?
Cheers; Olham
I'm hoping to meet each of the team members at some point. It's not easy, but because I work for an airline, it's not too bad. My wife loves to travel, so when I ran the list of locations we all live in, it was a no-brainer. My next stop I hope is the UK, now that the $ is a little stronger there. I'd like to see Pol, Nod, and Sandbagger.

After that, I think she's got SA in the radar, so it would be Winder. I still owe Shredder a visit as I totally screwed-up the last time I was there by missing his email. None-the-less, Canada was amazing and I would not think twice about going again. :)

Thats awesome Herr Hauptman. I hope I can travel like that one day. Also maybe it would be possible for all of the folks from the forum from the NE to meet up and have an OFF day. Possibly at Old Rhinebeck, maybe ask the management and promote BHAH. Just an idea......throwing it out there. Sorry if its already been thought of and given a no go.

Im probably next spring visiting in London. Would be nice to see all or even some of the members that living in UK then.


