Stall horn setting


Question: how does one set the stall horn to sound at the correct airspeed, and where does one adjust that speed. OK, two questions.:p:

While my skill with flight dynamics are on par with my ability to run a 5 minute mile (not going to happen without the aid of LARGE rocket boosters and a good pair of roller skates LOL!), I will jump into this thread in an effort to "Let being helpful be more important than being right."

Looking in the aircraft.cfg of the default Extra 300, the only reference to stall speeds I found were under the [Reference Speeds] section:

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed = 55.0 //Knots True (KTAS)
full_flaps_stall_speed = 55.0 //Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_speed = 150.0 //Knots True (KTAS)
max_indicated_speed = 220 //Red line (KIAS)

But I think this section is used for AI flight dynamics and does not have any bearing on the player flight dynamics.

Now, looking in the Extra 300's air file (using Air Wrench), on the Specs tab, there are stall speeds listed...but they seem to be calculated on the weight of the plane. Here once again, I am in an area of flight sim tweaking that I am not very good at. I have Air Wrench, have used it, but the results of my flight dynamics tweaks have been more disasters than successes.

Okay, not that I am done being helpful, let's hope someone comes along who can better handle the "being right" part of the equation.

Two entries in the primary aerodynamics tab (1101) in the .AIR file. One is for knots value for stall for stickshaker and the other an AOA value for the stall horn.

Cheers: T
I ask because it seems few aircraft, very few, like 7, actually blare at the cfg specified stall speed. Now I could alter things so airplane x flies until it hits 98 kts to agree with the horn, but that 747 would look silly. Now the bad part, what software is needed to open an air file?

Those two can help for edit ****.air

FS2004/FSX Air Ed
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Name: Size: 217,305 Date: 08-06-2009 Downloads: 2,380
FS2004/FSX Air Ed. This is a good copy of AirEd by William M. Roth. The uploader noticed that other versions of this utility are missing things. Like in primary aerodynamics under lift, there should be 8 records, not 6. This upload is for anyone who is trying to tweak the flight dynamics of FS2004 or FSX aircraft and might have been having a problem. Uploaded by Bob Chicilo.
[/SIZE] FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc. FS2004 How To Tweak Flight Dynamics
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Name: Size: 47,722 Date: 09-12-2005 Downloads: 1,898
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 How To Tweak Flight Dynamics. This pdf file is for people who want to learn, or learn more, about updating the flight dynamics of FS2004 aircraft. It won't tell you everything, but it will tell you some things the majority of flight simmers don't know about updating flight dynamics. By Bob Chicilo.
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Also remember that AoA (Angle of Attack) is the final determining factor for the wing stall not speed.
Airplane weight does not affect the AoA at which the wing only affects the airspeed at which that critical AoA is reached.

That is why most of the hardcore Bush pilots have a dedicated gauge in their panels that directly gives them the AoA to be able to land and take off as short as possible.

The only airplane I ever flew that had a direct AOA indicator was the DHC-7. I still do bush flying in my Super Cub and of course "grew up" in aviation doing bush work. A good thing to know, AOA, but most bush fliers learn this by sight and feel. The most important thing is landing on the right spot, which takes most of your attention.

Cheers: T
Both Maule and Aviat offer a AoA indicator from the factory for their airplanes.
A friend of mine based at my airport spent a few years in AK flying Super Cubs and 207s to make a living and told me that most of their airplanes had a AoA indicator in one shape or another.

And at the last STOL competition I watched in Jean,NV every airplane that competed had one as well.

Of course a good "feel of the buttocks" indicator is worth a million bucks as well.

Good comments everyone. Yes I was thinking past the AoA a little. I can usually get aircraft to perform much like the real thing and when landing with correct AoA and speed I just want to get the horn involved. I'll have a look at aamv22.