Start Flight Parking Gates


SOH Staff
Staff member
Setting a parking spot to start a flight is quite wonderful zooming in and select your spot at a gate of your choice (finally checking out modern airliner stuff in combination with FS Traffic). As you don't want your 747 to start at a gate for small aircraft or medium you have to find a gate for heavy aircraft first. AFAIK the only way to find such a heavy aircraft gate is to randomly click a spot and assign it as your departure. Only then the dialog says Gate 36 (or whatever) Large (or Medium or Small). I have seen fairly big airports with no Large gates at all. Just Medium and Small.

Just wondering, might there be a quicker way to see if gates are ment for small, medium or large airliners ? Or is assigning a departure spot the only way to see that ?

Btw, with FS Traffic i have not seen one 747 yet... Thought i'd read they were included with a latest patch... LOTS of Airbus only few Boeing, 737 or 787 mainly. The Queen of the Skies shines in absence...

If anyone has more insight into small/medium/large type of parking gates and how to find them, thanks much for sharing ! :encouragement:
I think the bigger issue is the gates being mis-labeled by the AI that sets them. But to try to answer your question, the only list you'll find is in numerical order by spot number, and I don't think it can be sorted any other way.
I think the bigger issue is the gates being mis-labeled by the AI that sets them.

You mean if a gate is labeled as medium it could be a gate for small or even large aircraft just the same ?... What exactly do you mean with " the AI that sets them' ? If i view a real diagram of, say, EHAM gates and compared it with EHAM gates on the MSFS World Map it may well look different ?

But to try to answer your question, the only list you'll find is in numerical order by spot number, and I don't think it can be sorted any other way.

Where can i find such a list ??....

Thanks, Tom !
Designing several thousand airports by hand would have taken years, so between Blackshark and Azure, most of the airports in the sim were automatically generated. Most turned out pretty well, but there were some significant bugs in some, like the horrendous canyons across a couple of taxiways at KINT.

As for the lists, once you pick an airport for departure or arrival, there's a dropdown menu that corresponds to the parking spots.


  • Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2023.05.24 -
    Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2023.05.24 -
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Btw, with FS Traffic i have not seen one 747 yet... Thought i'd read they were included with a latest patch... LOTS of Airbus only few Boeing, 737 or 787 mainly. The Queen of the Skies shines in absence...

747s are all Cargo nowadays so try a big cargo hub (Frankfurt?) - saw one in real-life yesterday :)
Yep! Few passenger 747s, sadly. Try PANC to see a bunch of cargo 747s.

(Soooooo glad I sprung for a business class upgrade on a Lufthansa 747 from Italy about 7 years ago so I could ride "upstairs.")
Designing several thousand airports by hand would have taken years, so between Blackshark and Azure, most of the airports in the sim were automatically generated. Most turned out pretty well, but there were some significant bugs in some, like the horrendous canyons across a couple of taxiways at KINT.

As for the lists, once you pick an airport for departure or arrival, there's a dropdown menu that corresponds to the parking spots.

Voila! That's exactly what i have been looking for but presumably with my eyes closed... :blind:

Thanks, Tom ! A real eye opener ! :)
747s are all Cargo nowadays so try a big cargo hub (Frankfurt?) - saw one in real-life yesterday :)

Yep! Few passenger 747s, sadly. Try PANC to see a bunch of cargo 747s.

Thank you, gentlemen, but i deffinately must be missing something...

PANC is completely deserted apart from 4 Alaska 737's. No 747 in sight and it's the first airport that shows no activity at all. All other big airports i checked have lots of activity going on. Including some remarkable low altitude overflying of the airports at very unreal headings...Kriss Cross. Frankfurt was one of the first i tried and no 747's either. Not on gargo ramps nore at the gates.

Do you think i'm *really* missing something and need to install an update or something ? (bought FS TRaffic 2 days ago..)

Thanks !
Now THAT's what i'm talkin about !

Can this FSLTL work together with FSTraffic ?

The FSTraffic AI models do look very nice. Seemingly no fps impact at all or maybe only very light.

How do the FSLTL models look, more or less close up ?

Thanks !
I think it can work together .
The FSLTL injector asks if you want to use FS traffic models as back-up when you start it but i don't know how that works cause i don't own it.
FSLTL serves me just fine enough.
Its also able to use AIG models as a backup.

Thanks very much, Spook ! That looks all pretty, pretty good ! ;)

I think i'll move FS Traffic aside for the time being and install FSLTL. Possibly then see if they can be used together. Curious to see the first 747 AI at the gates or on the ramp (they must be there with FS Traffic as well but i haven't seen any just yet..)

Thanks again for the info and screenies. Absolutely wonderful ! :encouragement:
The first FSTraffic screenshot at JustFlight shows a Lufthansa passenger 747 at the gate, so must be there somewhere...don't recognise the airport.
Is FSTraffic date-driven?
Is FSTraffic date-driven?

From the FS Traffic description at the JF site:

Choose what day of the week you want to fly. The time and day of the week set in your flight simulator will determine which flights you see in the simulator. A Tuesday morning will appear vastly different to a Friday afternoon.

The first FSTraffic screenshot at JustFlight shows a Lufthansa passenger 747 at the gate, so must be there somewhere...

Absolutely. The list of included FS Traffic aircraft models :

737-700 (blended winglets)
737-800 (blended winglets)
737-900 (blended winglets)
747-400 (GE)
747-400 (PW)
747-400 (RR)
787-8 (GE)
787-8 (RR)
787-9 (GE)
787-9 (RR)
A319 (CFM)
A319 (CFM sharklets)
A319 (IAE)
A319 (IAE sharklets)
A319 (NEO)
A320 (CFM)
A320 (CFM sharklets)
A320 (IAE)
A320 (IAE sharklets)
A320 (NEO)
A321 (CFM)
A321 (CFM sharklets)
A321 (IAE)
A321 (IAE sharklets)
A321 (NEO)
A330-200 (GE)
A330-200 (PW)
A330-200 (RR)
A330-300 (GE)
A330-300 (PW)
A330-300 (RR)
A380-800 (EA)
A380-800 (RR)
Dash 8-400

I have seen screenshots of FS Traffic 747 atleast of Lufthansa, KLM and Korean Air. Also quite a few screenies of that A380 monster. Only thing in the sim of the AI A380 was some extremely odd behaviour of a few go-arounds and flying extremely low criss-cross over the Manchester airport.... :stupid: No landing whatsoever sofar no chance to admire the model from up close.

Must say the FS Traffic AI aircraft models look 10 times better than the FSLTL aircraft models (IMHO of course). Most probabely easy to switch from FSLTL to FS Traffic but not so easy the other way around... Always been an 'aircraft spotter pur sang' RW as well as in the sim so 747 or no 747 i might well stick to FS Traffic anyway.. :)