Starting engines


Charter Member
I find approach and landing the most challenging aspect of simming, so when I load an aircraft I just want to get in and GO! Yep, I’m a kick-the-tires-and-light-the-fires guy. But there are planes – some jets in particular – that take forever to start using CTRL+E. How does that command tie into the aircraft? Is there some way to adjust it?

- H52

I do believe the time it takes for a jet engine to start up is dictated in the config/air file...something about spool up time or something like that. I am not real strong in this area...but I remember from my limited success working with jet FDE that there are spool up times someplace.

Another way is to have your saved 'start up' aircraft with the engines going and everything set.

OBIO & Clarke123 -- thanks for the suggestions; I'll take a look at them tonight and report back.

PeteHam -- yes, I knew that trick, and it works...most of the time. One of my problem birds is the AFG Caravelle with a B E A U T I F U L panel that REQUIRES a manual start, but my limited French does not allow me to decipher it. The devilish French have engineered it such that when I switch from my happily-running (other) a/c to the Caravelle, the engines immediately quit. Lesson: "You weel learn French, mon amí" :france:

- h52

Do you try this ? :)



With kind permission from Esa KAIHLANEN, Hakon SOREIDE, and Benoit GUARANT of the ALLIED FLIGHT GROUP (AFG) CARAVELLE project development team HJG has been authorized to host their entire CARAVELLE simulation. PLEASE NOTE .... this CARAVELLE project is FS2004 compatible "ONLY". It is not FSX compatible. We cannot advise whether or not these files will be made FSX compatible in the future.
Yes, Claudius...that's the Caravelle I'm referring to and Benoit GUARANT is the author of the gorgeous panel which is impossible to start via CTRL+E and which kills the engines of any other a/c with which I attempt to fool the Caravelle.

I'm going to try
OBIO & Clarke123's suggestions later tonight or tomorrow, and report the results.

- H52

Yes, Claudius...that's the Caravelle I'm referring to and Benoit GUARANT is the author of the gorgeous panel which is impossible to start via CTRL+E and which kills the engines of any other a/c with which I attempt to fool the Caravelle.
All is in english for the AFG Caravelle panel(s) released by HJG
BTW .. once you have choice the Easy Start option you can stop the engines (Shift+X) and you can start again by CTRL+E
I suspect the "Easy Start" function must activate (or desactivate) a gauge in the panel.
The problem is to find wich gauge .. :)
After being forced by circumstances to take time away from FS, I'm back to report.
=============================================================== I implemented Smilo's suggestion from the foregoing link:
Options, Controls, Assignments
scroll down to Starter 1 on/off
Change Assignment... to Ctrl+Shift+1, OK

This works fine on every aircraft on which I have tried it and allows easy engine starts in the proper sequence and with sufficient time between engines, for added realism.

Except for the AFG Caravelles. Claudius, I do have the English-version panel VI_Sterling and I did select Easy Start and still no luck. Before that, I had attempted (several times) Cold Start following the instructions in the Sterling panel. Smilo’s technique does start the engines with the Benoit GUARANT panels, however, as soon as you switch views they die. A real shame since they are very nice panels.

Instead, I aliased the Horst Paetzol panel and went flying.

Thank you all for your comments and assistance.

- H52