After being forced by circumstances to take time away from FS, I'm back to report.
=============================================================== I implemented Smilo's suggestion from the foregoing link:
Options, Controls, Assignments
scroll down to Starter 1 on/off
Change Assignment... to Ctrl+Shift+1, OK
This works fine on every aircraft on which I have tried it and allows easy engine starts in the proper sequence and with sufficient time between engines, for added realism.
Except for the
AFG Caravelles. Claudius, I do have the English-version panel
VI_Sterling and I did select
Easy Start and still no luck. Before that, I had attempted (several times)
Cold Start following the instructions in the Sterling panel. Smilo’s technique does start the engines with the Benoit GUARANT panels, however, as soon as you switch views they die. A real shame since they are very nice panels.
Instead, I aliased the Horst Paetzol panel and went flying.
Thank you all for your comments and assistance.
- H52