Starting Helio's


I had asked this once before and got one reply which didn't work.(no offence). How do you start some helios? Some will start with ctrl+e ,like Airwolf and some others but a lot of my helios ,like the Coast Guard HH65 for instance won't start once you shut them down. The rotors will spin but the engine won't start.
Someone in the forum (see above) suggested I try ctrl+shift+F4 and that got the rotor to spin but the engine won't start.
Most of these helio's don't say anything about starting in the readme.
I could just leave them run on the initial loadup as all the helio's are running when you first load them ,but I always prefer to start from a cold dark cockpit.
Part of the problem is the FS9 'engine' that drives the sim is not really geared for helicopters, so there were all sorts of compromises, fudges & fixes put in place to make them work. Things have improved over time (Rob Barendregt, for example, put together some gauges that gave 'proper' VTOL to some helicopters). The best suggestion I can make to you is to check out the forums at Hovercontrol, as they really know their stuff over there, and you'll probably find some useful pointers quite quickly. Also worth checking out their download area, to see if there are any updates that may help you.