
Have worked out how to start Vlad's excellent AN-2 in the past, but, re-visiting it recently found it un-startable. Reading Vlad's instructions I had thought that cracking the eng throttle to 20 or 30 percent was the trick. Obviously not.

Have tried starting the stock Cessna 182 first then changing to the AN-2, but she just shuts down. I am obviously not turning her on!

Anyone had this prob and successfully discovered how to start 'Anushka'?

Dont have it installed right now and there is plenty of versions and panels, but i didnt had much trouble starting it after learning to fly Xomer's An-2 which has perfect flight model (i have no idea how real an-2 flies, but people at russian avsim like it), plus you have to start it like real plane and watch temperatures, sadly visual model is bit outdated. It seems aerosoft is working on An-2, but its for FSX only, XPlane has too not bad one and its free, but im sticking with old fs2004 and only can hope that one day somebody will do one final Kukuruznik for my beloved sim.
Thanks for the reply Kikas, I will have to go back to basics to try and start her. As you say - nice flt model.
