Static Convoys


Charter Member
I think this has been discussed but does anyone recall why vehicle convoys or locomotives sometimes get stuck with no forward movement? Recently I am seeing this a lot in QC and trying to recall the fix. Please help?
I know from my experiences that they don't move but still have the animation if you're far, but once you get close they should start to move.

Like they're activated once you get in a close range.
Actually I can usually see trains moving from a good distance. You can typically see the plume of smoke drifting backwards from the direction of travel. That is what tipped me off recently when I noticed that the train's smoke plume was going straight up with no drift whatsoever. The I started doing ground attack on rail traiffic and noticed trains doing this frequently. Not sure what went wrong but that is not supposed to happen. I recall someone speaking about vehicle convoys freezing in place in a former thread. I just can't recall what the problem was. I think it is with a vehicle in the convoy or maybe with a specific car in the train. Would help if someone could enlighten me.

I noticed that most of the time this appens when the convoy gets fired upon;it comes to a stop.
Hi Lewis 11777,
I've noticed ground vehicle formations with groundtype=direct, seemingly stuck but when you approach, they start moving. Have not noticed the problem with the trains. Yesterday I actually got in some time on the CFS3 computer for the first time this year. In ETO, a train came under fire near the coast - a US cruiser was shelling together with the escort destroyers in Era 3. A train carriage was hit (actually a tank car), but the train was still moving even though one of the carriages was kaput.

So no help there :isadizzy:. Have you checked the train.spawns spawn table file and the various train spawns files?
I have not checked spawn files. How would that cause it?

Hi Lewis11777,
I'm just fishing for possible clues, never encountered the problem myslef. If a spawn file had a speed=0 in it, then presumably the train would be staionary? Also in the vehicle xdp if the speed parameters were changed, the train could theoretically be immobile as well. Is it US or German trains affected, or both?