Stearman Fury PT-13 N17384

Stearman Fury PT-13 N17384 2024-06-07

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falcon409 submitted a new resource:

Stearman Fury PT-13 N17384 - WWII Liveries

View attachment 130519

This is a repaint only, for the payware Vertigo Studios Stearman Vol.1 set. This repaint depicts the restored Stearman PT-13 N17384, "Stearman Fury", currently registered to Bright J. Tobias of Seattle, Washington. The aircraft was originally manufactured as 42-17578 and entered civilian life in 1961. In 1971, the aircraft was purchased by Jim Williams of Sonoma, California, where it was operated from the Schellville Airport up until being sold in 2014...

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