

Does anyone remember the fix for amphibs or float planes that seem to stick in the water requiring perhaps 20 seconds at full throttle to start moving? :help:
I've never seen a universal fix.
Often adjusting the contact points will resolve it and/or for some reason differential brakes get them to break loose.
and/or for some reason differential brakes get them to break loose.


lolol... Thats a new one. Good to know.

I was having this issue too the other day.

Sounds like its caused by the rear float contact points (not the wheels mind you) being too far back. Move them forward 6 inches at a time and see how that does.

Axis are Z, X, Y, in that order. Z is the axis you wish to move forward, so lessening the amount will do it.

Example; If its presently at -3.00, then change it to -2.5 and see what happens. If you go to far, the tail might fall back in the water and you'll have to contact your insurance company and tell them what happened to your plane..


Bill, the 'brakes' thing came from a discussion Manuele (mvg3d) and I were having about his Cant 506 once upon a time. I've deleted the PM's but it was something he'd noticed as had I. IIRC, he suggested I try the brakes and it worked (somewhat) along with rocking the plane in all axes. I think he made an adjustment afterward to the contact points and uploaded a revision, but that was months ago and, well.. memory you know....
Whatever it is, playing with the brakes on a flying boat/floater is not an optimal fix but might get you airborne once in a while.
I've never seen a universal fix.
Often adjusting the contact points will resolve it and/or for some reason differential brakes get them to break loose.

I find that slewing it to different spots on the water can result in sticking or a normal take off, so the water must have something to do with it. Is it possible the water is too shallow in some areas letting the floats run aground? I have never read anything relating to water depth in FS9.
When I get a sticker, I run through the various views (Spot, 2D, VC, Tower then back to Spot)...I have found that this will free up a stuck floater 90% of the time. The rest of the time, I fiddle with the brakes and control surfaces...that works in 8% of the cases. The remaining 2% I just wait until the plane decides that it is ready to take off.
