Still alive...



Time to (re) start a new (old) plane:


Gauges are almost all done, Huub is ok for the texture, I hope Benoit is not overbooked for the flight dynamics (waiting an answer from him)
Cheers, Michel.
Fokker G-1...a very beautiful plane. Some have called it the radial powered version of the P-38 Lightning....which is pure rubbish in my book. The Lightning wishes it had two elegant round motors out by its nose.

Please please tell me that is version will have a VC and a cup holder or two (okay, cup holders are totally optional). Oh, and reflective textures? A gleaming bare metal G1 would be oh so sweet to behold!

ETA when, please?

She looks so great! :applause::applause::applause:

(does not matter at all, I'll purchase her anyway):running:

Is it a real FSX model?

ETA is not known but we are working hard.
It's a free model (as always)
Here is a pic a made with another old chap


To be continued.
Regards, Michel.
Except for the tailbooms the G.1 was mostly covered with wood and fabric..

Well, I suppose one could replace the standard fabric with some of those shiny 80s era spandex pants and get a pseudo-polished metal look.

From the first time I saw the G1, an older model without a VC, I thought the plane would look superb in polished bare metal. Even if it were not accurate to the plane.

The model will be for FS2004, however experience with the Koolhoven FK.58 and Nieuport 17 learn that Michel's models work quite well in FSX as well. Cees Donker has made both Bergen and Waalhaven airfields for FS2004, which were the airfields where the G-1 flew from.
Wim Regeer has (re)done his Fokker C-X which can be flown along the G-1 as well.


It is impossibe to give even a rough release date. Michel started this model over a year ago, but was forced to stop after his computer went down.
Only after he had finished the Nieuport he restarted this project. On problem he already ran into when his old computer gave up, was the fact he had ran out of polys.
The egg shaped fuselage and complex interior were asking more polys than FS2004 could handle. Therefore he now has to redesign the complete fuslage. As the texture lay-out doesn't match the previous model, I have to start from scratch again. (Lucky for me I never finished the first ones ;) )

So far nothing has been done on the flight model. As we try to get the G-1 as accurate as possible we want to have the most realistic flightmodel as well. Hopefully Benoit is willing to do the flightmodel for this model as well.

We have to work on this model in our freetime and as we all have full time jobs and families, freetime is often limited.

The model Michel is doing is the Mercury powered G-1A model which flew with the LVA (Dutch Army Air Section). I plan to to a pre-war version with red-white-blue markings and a version with orange neutrality marking from an aircraft of 3JaVa (Waalhaven) and one from 4Java from Bergen.
When I can get sufficient information I will also do a repaint from a captured aircraft in Luftwaffe colours.

OBIO, I normally only do authentic repaints but perhaps I will do a fantasy alluminium dope/polished dural version after the model is released.


Below two images from the VC. Which much support from Mathieu van der Bosch and Pim Pouw, Michel has been able to create set of authentic gauges.


Great news! :ernae: Saw the first screenies of this G-1 almost a year ago now and they were very promising. Been wondering if I had missed something. Glad to hear it's been picked up again. Superb!

That looks great. One thing that really stands out is the position of the tail wheel, how many planes were designed with a tail wheel between the booms like this?
That looks great. One thing that really stands out is the position of the tail wheel, how many planes were designed with a tail wheel between the booms like this?

For instance the tail wheel from a Focke-Wulf FW189 was at the same position, so the G-1 wasn't unique in this respect.
