copy of text from Bob
I have developed a number of take-off spawns for the Solomons. Check the absolute box and then use the global layer coordinates of the airbase for the takeoff waypoint. format is i.e. S4*10'3.2345 E155*30'10.0000. PM me with e-mail address if you want an example. I can do one for you if you let me know airbase, aircraft, what altitude and mission directive for the ac.
Landing spawns have been another story. Just haven't been able to get them to work right.
I don't know where I got them from, but that is the name of the spwawns file.
For landing spawns, if you modify the distance at which AI make their landing approach to the runway (in the obejcts xml file eg. runway 1400), then they will approach the runway more quickly. Stock runways have the Ai going way out to 8000m or something.
However if you modify the object xml for the runway don't reduce it below 5000 - I've seen the AI get way too close and tangled up if they all turn at 4500 and make a dash for the runway - its very funny but not so good for their survival
James and Ronny
I have found a work around for the landing spawns or a trick. I used a two waypoint spawn. The first waypoint uses absolute coordinates and is at a location in direct line with the airport a few clicks out. The ai is at 500ft and normal airspeed. The 2nd absolute waypoint is the landing waypoint with the airfield coordinates from the global layer.
I then place the mission target file about 14 NM miles out from the airfield. The mission target file then triggers the spawn when you are still 14 miles out from the airfield so that the ai can do their thing and circle and get set up for a in line landing. This way you can intercept the ai as they begin their approach to the airfield.
Let me know if you want the spawns and mission file for Grimbergen so you can see if it is applicable to what you want to do.
Also found this
Build your Hurricane fomation into a mission file with takeoff and waypoints,
save file, open, copy and past the hurricane formation and waypoints into a spawn file, remove references to ID's (waypoint ID, Formation ID.
Place your new spawn file into your actual mission using the usual mission_target_facility stuff.
Sample attached
<AirFormation Directive="sweep" Country="Britain" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit Type="dr_p_40b_675_gav" Repeat="8" Skill="3"/>
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="n" Lat="N29*56'45.0000"" Lon="E21*49'59.9998"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="intercept" Speed="113.692222222222" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="n" Lat="N29*55'26.2137"" Lon="E21*15'45.9479"" Alt="4571.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="113.692222222222" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="n" Lat="N29*56'45.0000"" Lon="E21*49'59.9998"" Alt="4571.99"/>
and if by any chance you have MAW and downloaded this you might get ideas
AW Take Off Spawns By Wulfmann
My Computer
Program Files
Microsoft Games
CFS3 Mediterranean Air War
Drop the spawn folder into the main directory and they will go into the spawns folder.
DRM and DR Spawns
DRM (Desert Rats Multiplayer) spawns can be used for single or multiplayer missions
but are named “M” to insure planes are named and will not cause MP problems.
DR spawns are not named but use types to randomize selection creating more variation
but may spawn an aircraft not compatible for MP.
Spawns are coded to easily identify the type of spawn
TO=Take off
GR= Greek
The next series of letters
followed by the number of each
Then the location
If a number follows the location that is the fraction of possibility to spawn
2= ½
4= ¼ of the time the spawn will activate
No number at the end means 100%
Place these spawns in a mission target facility.
I use the 6KM one.
It will activate the distance from player to the spawn facility not the base.
It is best to place the facility file behind the base so the planes are on the runway when you arrive.
But, play with this and test to see what works best for your situation.
If placing a second CAP or intercept enemy spawn it is best to put the second mission facility about
one mile behind the TO spawn.
Please do not alter these spawns. By downloading and using these spawns you agree not to alter them.
These are freeware and can not be uploaded to another site without written permission
from Bob Ruff