Stock Aircraft not working.


Charter Member
Hello everybody Happy New Year

I wondered if there was anybody out there who can help me.
I have had to reinstall my windows to it's factory defaults and reinstalled the updates.
I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit. After installing my other bits I attempted to load
my Combat Flight Simulator 3. It seemed to install correctly but when it comes to the actual flying
there seems to be an indication of a plus sign in brackets next to the name of the aircraft which would indicate an error. And when I go to
fly the aircraft although the sound works fine when you are in the cockpit view. as you got to the outside view
the aircraft is silent with no sound, even though you cane hear the Flak. But when you fire the guns there is no sound.

Could anyone advise s to where I have gone wrong on the installation or is it something that I will have to put up with.

I've noticed something similar recently, and would guess that it has something to do with a conflict between by motherboard sound drivers and the ones installed by Nvidia or some unintended consequence of a Windows Update.

Just to be sure, check the sound from outside the aircraft as you rotate your view through a full 360 degrees. Sometimes it's just the effect of the stereo distribution levels, and there are directions where the sound drops to almost nothing.

p.s. Or it could be your speaker configuration. I can make it happen by setting the system drivers to surround (6 speakers), and then plugging in my headphones.
Stock Aircraft not working reply

Thanks for the tip I will try what you suggested, and you may be right it might be those darn updates

]I've noticed something similar recently, and would guess that it has something to do with a conflict between by motherboard sound drivers and the ones installed by Nvidia or some unintended consequence of a Windows Update.

Just to be sure, check the sound from outside the aircraft as you rotate your view through a full 360 degrees. Sometimes it's just the effect of the stereo distribution levels, and there are directions where the sound drops to almost nothing.

p.s. Or it could be your speaker configuration. I can make it happen by setting the system drivers to surround (6 speakers), and then plugging in my headphones.[/QUOTE]
plus sign just means how many wingman you have.. did u disable read-only on the whole folder? did u set user permissions to allow all, for your user? did u disable anti-virus before installing cfs3. I couldn't without stopping mine it blocked some tmp file it needed. post a screenshot of problem. Get ur nvidia hd audio working by uninstalling the old audio driver then enabling nvidia over it. Also get ur windows graphics card updates off windows updates and onto the vender (nvidia) using ddu
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