Charter Member
Note: very WIP at the moment. No idea about the estimated completion date, perhaps this summer, perhaps not.
But indeed, in the same style as my previous P-51B/C series overhaul, I'm now taking on the P-51D/K models. At this point all I can say is that there will probably be lots of aces' aircraft from several units, I haven't made any decisions yet other than the ones you see now. Fine tuned flight models, slightly touched 3D models and other usual things common to other work by Nigel and me are to be expected. This is completely my project though, albeit with a lot of details nicked from Nigel's work so he'll get co-credited anyway.
But indeed, in the same style as my previous P-51B/C series overhaul, I'm now taking on the P-51D/K models. At this point all I can say is that there will probably be lots of aces' aircraft from several units, I haven't made any decisions yet other than the ones you see now. Fine tuned flight models, slightly touched 3D models and other usual things common to other work by Nigel and me are to be expected. This is completely my project though, albeit with a lot of details nicked from Nigel's work so he'll get co-credited anyway.