Storm of War, Battle of Britain



Will this ever see the light of day?

From it's original release date of sometime in 2006, to it's now release date of March 2009, I cannot for the life of me see why this is even worth the wait!

I am sure that we will be playing P3 long before March 2009, and yet Maddox, with the backing of Ubisoft (no less) cant get their sh*t together to release a BoB sim?

C'mon people..... what is a combat flight sim?....It's Sky, ground and Aircraft at the end of the day, not rocket science!!

3 yrs to develop?..... The bloody Second World War only lasted Six! (and they made real Spitfires!!)

I seriously doubt whether this will be worth the wait somehow
(just my take)
Isn't this only being released on consoles ? (presuming it does get released). I'll give it a miss if that's the case.
Looks promising I think, it's being developed to last, just like IL2 was. Totally new engine with lots of new physics developed for high end machinery. It takes time the sort of programming involved.
I'm not sure Ubi are still involved either and nope not for a console this one, the poor old console just does not have the processing power.
Far too many games are rushed out these days are are highly disappointing. Many get played for maybe a month and then are discarded.

Think of the original IL2, released in what 1999/2000? Still on sale today :D, I think that says something about the quality of game they are looking to produce!

Spend as long as you like on it Oleg mate!

Regarding consoles - there is an IL2 game being produced from the Storm of War engine I believe. Battle of Britain itself will be PC :).

Can't wait! But my computer is having a hernia just trying to load the screenshots :p
The wait will be more than worth it

here is what il-2 1946 modded looks like,you know,the game that has no scenery,and its in its infancy as far as modding is concerned.
can you emagine what his new engine will be capable of.down to blades of grass blowing in the wind as you taxi. vehicle detail as has never been seen befor in a flight sim.damage modeling indeed the likes of has never befor been seen in the annels of flight sim's.
who care's how long the wait for as you can see we ww-2 buff's have an ever changeing for the better flight sim in il-2 1946 while we wait.
that being said,we ww-1 buff's have an ever changeing for the better flight sim in O.F.F. while we wait and to date more than three years in the makeing.quality takes time.fine wine is not bottled one day and sold the next.
FLIGHT SIMMER's are the winner's here.
I am optomistic for the future of this great and fullfilling hobby and salute the game developer's around the world for the achievements they have made and the advancements that make this oh so rewarding for we the end user.
[just my take]
C'mon people..... what is a combat flight sim?....It's Sky, ground and Aircraft at the end of the day, not rocket science!!

This thread should have been been marked O/T in my view.

I do feel bound to make the observation that I am somewhat disappointed by UK's comments (quoted) which it seems to me pay scant regard for the developers of all combat and other flightsims, including the OFF team.

If all that we cared about were these three basics, we could simply fly arcade style sims. My personal preference is for a balanced combination of realism and immersion It may not be "rocket science" but it is the huge technical skills, know-how and the innovation of developers in all respects which ultimately bring us these important qualities and enhance our flying pleasure .

As consumers of flight sim software we are perfectly entitled to criticise the product,less so with freeware ,the more so with payware. We are also entitled to express our frustration at lead times between announcements of forthcoming products and release dates.

I do not think, however, that we have the right to complain so volubly about why the wait can sometimes be long.It is for the developers to take all the time they need (or are permitted) to ensure their product meets the standards they set (or were set) for themselves.

I, for one, would far rather that, wherever practicable, products are not rushed out to meet deadlines.This is precisely what happened with CFS3.

As PD has commented, for WW2 combat lovers IL2 is now looking superb. The great work done by the MAW,PTOand ETO teams and many others has enhanced, beyond all expectation and measure, WW2 combat in CFS3. The Preview movies and stills and reports from the OFF team on P3OFFBHH have whet our collective appetites for what promises to be THE WW1 sim.

So I say let us all try and have more patience and let us all be thankful, not only for the flight sims currently available but also for the ever more outstanding sims to come!



Nio, thanks for this. I can help Widow a little too...

I understand what he means. It is just planes, sky and ground. But what happens is that people expect more and more and more from the Devs. They want it all, and we want to do it... which slows things down to a crawl trying to make it all work togther so you enjoy it and not pull your hair out with bugs.

Then.. which is the biggest killer.. the hardware and software improve... and the sim that you have been building looks like crap 3 years later, so what do you do... you have to go back and improve it.... then you tweak, and add... and more accurate data comes out, so you have to revised the stuff that you added... more time... more time... then a better model of a tank comes out.. you revise your's .. you add it... more time...

This goes on forever and ever... hence why it takes so long. If we didn't care about being as accurate as we can.. we'd be done already, but it would look like RB3D all over again.

So have paitence... it'll be there. BoB is something we've all waited for...I'll wait a little longer.

here is what il-2 1946 modded looks like,you know,the game that has no scenery,and its in its infancy as far as modding is concerned.
can you emagine what his new engine will be capable of.down to blades of grass blowing in the wind as you taxi. vehicle detail as has never been seen befor in a flight sim.damage modeling indeed the likes of has never befor been seen in the annels of flight sim's.
who care's how long the wait for as you can see we ww-2 buff's have an ever changeing for the better flight sim in il-2 1946 while we wait.
that being said,we ww-1 buff's have an ever changeing for the better flight sim in O.F.F. while we wait and to date more than three years in the makeing.quality takes time.fine wine is not bottled one day and sold the next.
FLIGHT SIMMER's are the winner's here.
I am optomistic for the future of this great and fullfilling hobby and salute the game developer's around the world for the achievements they have made and the advancements that make this oh so rewarding for we the end user.
[just my take]

PD, how do you make IL2 look so good? I hated it. I shelved it soon after I loaded it as I didn't want to fly for the Russians, and as a German pilot, I hated flying against the Russians.

What mods are you running for it. It's been a very long time since I've had it loaded. But once OFF is done, I want to play it again, but over the French and European theater.


We do a lot of online flying of IL21946 modded, with the Boys of 60 Squadron, in all theatres.As part of this We also do a lot of BOB,Malta Italy France etc.The maps are getting better and better.

I will let PD fill you in.



Well here at soh

THEY asked we not discuss the modding of the sim so i started my own forume.
here is the link. drop in,register,and yes believe it or not we have every plane ever made for il-2 and new one's being made, ALL FLYABLE!!! this is why i spend 10 plus hrs a day at it and host online 2-6 hrs a day. what a sim. you will be in awe believe you me.

From what I understand, there is going to be driveable tanks and all kinds of activities going on, but it like IL2 will mainly cater to the online crowd, so I doubt there will be any kind of dynamic campaign, just scripted missions, and the ai.................................. well..................
I too tried IL2 FB a few years ago and found it OK, but soon lost interest. I think it was the scripted campaign mostly and the focus on the easten front...been a while so I almost forget why I drifted away from it.

But I must say that the pics PD put up are beyond amazing. It peaks my interest again I am mostly a SP player so also want to ask, as was asked the campaign any good? Are there western front and BOB theatres etc?
I'm a lone wolfer myself and don't really care for scripted games. My PS2 has been packed away with all of my games for months. I got tired of the "Groundhog Day" syndrome as I call it. That's why RB and OFF attracted my attention. I've been playing RB since '97 and OFF since April last year. Even if you enlist in the same squadron 20 times, each campaign is different. I was admonished severely a while back in a discussion about RoF when I made the comment "If it doesn't have SP, I don't want it. I don't care how pretty it is". I said just what I meant. Being a lone wolfer, I have no use for strictly MP games, or games with scripted campaigns. Bottom line.


I received My DVD set from Dudley the same way we do for OFF and I can tell you, there's a lot of campaign in it, you can fly from many country, and you can download much more. For some peoples the space needed for the game is more than 12Gig
there's a lot of campaign in it, you can fly from many country, and you can download much more.

Thanks for the info ToBe.

A quick question if I may. If a mission is not 'successful' do you just continue on to the next as we do in OFF (realistic), or is it Groundhog Day and you have to keep doing the same mission over and over until you are 'successful' (not realistic). Interested to know. Thanks!!
IL2 has come a long way in the 8 years it's been around. The standard game now has a dynamic campaign engine, plus some Western Europe, Pacific and Desert maps. Add the fact that it is now open for modding, a lot more has been added.

What you saw 8 years ago is nothing like what you'll see now
Big IL2 fan here. The SP experience is only ok, as the AI isn't all that hot. MP, however, is where it's at. I didn't think it would be, as I usually prefer SP games, but am totally hooked on it now. Nothing like shooting down a living opponent that actually knows how to fly. Quite a thrill!
This thread should have been been marked O/T in my view.

I do feel bound to make the observation that I am somewhat disappointed by UK's comments (quoted) which it seems to me pay scant regard for the developers of all combat and other flightsims, including the OFF team.

If all that we cared about were these three basics, we could simply fly arcade style sims. My personal preference is for a balanced combination of realism and immersion It may not be "rocket science" but it is the huge technical skills, know-how and the innovation of developers in all respects which ultimately bring us these important qualities and enhance our flying pleasure .

As consumers of flight sim software we are perfectly entitled to criticise the product,less so with freeware ,the more so with payware. We are also entitled to express our frustration at lead times between announcements of forthcoming products and release dates.

I do not think, however, that we have the right to complain so volubly about why the wait can sometimes be long.It is for the developers to take all the time they need (or are permitted) to ensure their product meets the standards they set (or were set) for themselves.

I, for one, would far rather that, wherever practicable, products are not rushed out to meet deadlines.This is precisely what happened with CFS3.

As PD has commented, for WW2 combat lovers IL2 is now looking superb. The great work done by the MAW,PTOand ETO teams and many others has enhanced, beyond all expectation and measure, WW2 combat in CFS3. The Preview movies and stills and reports from the OFF team on P3OFFBHH have whet our collective appetites for what promises to be THE WW1 sim.

So I say let us all try and have more patience and let us all be thankful, not only for the flight sims currently available but also for the ever more outstanding sims to come!




That's a very valid point Nio, but when you look at (some) other games, which are probably more complex than flightsims, but perhaps with less enthusiastic fans! are usually out well before 3 yrs of development, I can't see how this could possibly be taking this long! (when it's a professional team of people)

Especially so, when put up against the likes of OFF, which is essentially a 'volunteer force of amazing Talent and Ability....but they are not a paid workforce if you get my drift?

Granted, it's a new engine which does need some slack cutting, but I can't help thinking Why do they pi$$ about with release dates?...why not just admit they are woefully behind schedule?...This is true of so many developers, not just Maddox by any means.

It kinda ticks me off that developers constantly put back release dates...why not follow OFF's way of doing things, and just say It'll be ready when it is?"

Ok, I suppose that's what I should think to myself...and I should try and ignore the dates thing.....ok... I will:kilroy::ernae:
Whilst there isn't really anything Nio has said that can be argued against, I can see where Widowmaker is coming from.
There are basically two quality flight sims "in the works" - professionally produced ones I mean. SOW and ROF.
(OFF is in a league of its own - it is done by volunteers, yet is being developed in the best possible way with updates, vids etc for its potential customers to appreciate- and i still reckon it will be the sim the other two will do well to equal )
Anyway, each of them has been a very, very long time in coming - and they are now just about on the horizon. = which does make you wonder why it wouldn't have been better to
have not made such an early initial announcement about it?
Because early excitement by the punters cannot be sustained for that long, and so doubts do creep in.

However, we are assured they are going to be here one day- and I look forward to it as much as anyone - as I'm sure Widowmaker is too.

And, yes- Those Il2 -1946 shots are stunning!