


Having just received and loaded up OFFP2 a few weeks ago, I am still learning a lot.

Question - since OFF is based upon CFS3, if I shoot at moving enemy vehicles (marked as such,also) on a roadway, or parked aircraft on an airfield, are they supposed to suffer any ill effects (fire, explosion, etc.)?
Right now, I am hitting them and nothing happens except for dust being kicked up, while on CFS, they burn or explode.

Also, should any of the aircraft being shot down do anything except fly out of the scene? Again, whacking the heck out of them and no fire or explosion and I am never sure if I got them until I exit the game and check my stats, which indicates I shot down 1, 2, etc.

Welcome Aroth.
Trucks exploding no, see Phase 3 features it will be in there :) Phase 2 is part 2 of 3.

Not sure what you mean re the 2nd thing, mostly craft will crash when you shoot em down??
occassionally they fly on when on fire (known issue).
Firstly, Damage to trucks, and Trains are not modelled in Phase 2, Phase 3 should offer a pleasent change.

And wacking the heck out of a canvas and wood aircraft, with a single machine gun . . . . not a bad trick . . I must learn it ! :isadizzy:

Suggest you read the STICKY OFF Tips #3 :kilroy:
The strafing question perhaps should have been rephrased by me. I guess what I am asking, is whenever doing any ground attack work, such as shooting at marked moving vehicles, aircraft parked on an airfield, or building structures (hangars, tents, etc.), is there any way that I would know, at that time, if I did any damage to, or destroyed them or not (visible signs)? I have seen, a few times, in my stats after the game is over, that I have destroyed a building, but I never see anything to indicate that any vehicles or aircraft were destroyed.

The second question was in regard to air combat. I can hit and hit an enemy aircraft several times and they all appear to just keep flying around, eventually losing me with their manuevers - even if I attempt to follow one down to the ground. There is no apparent evidence that they were destroyed. Basically, I have no evidence of any success until after the game is ended and I check my stats. Perhaps I am just blood-thirsty (haha) and am hoping to see something more graphic.
You can do a little experiment, nice white tents, will not SHOW 2 or 3 Hits, yet they will show the damage of 30 bullets

In the air, your probably used to the Damage you can cause with your P51

Read the STICKY OFF Tips #3, and it will all be explained :wavey:
Yep, marksmanship is a good attribute. Aim for the engine, and cockpit area. Otherwise it's a waist of ammunition.
You're right gimpy, P-51's do leave a mark.........!


Thanks for the input - I'll just have to get closer before pulling the triggers .....
As we say.. no damage modelling for many things on the ground, Phase 3 does.