Strange AI Behavior P3D v3.4


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Hi folks
This is a strange one and not something I have seen in all my years of simulation. I use a variety of AI aircraft in P3D including some from the great Cal Classic site and I have done so for quite some time. Recently I upgraded to V3.4 - the latest before V4 and since then have seen some AI behave in a very strange manner. On several occasions at least at 2 airports KMIA (addon) and KHST (modified by me) some aircraft fly all over the place climbing vertically and then diving into the ground only to rise again - in general behaving erratically - others function as they should. It seems this may come mostly from the CV-240s although I'm not positive. I'm wondering if anyone may have seen this in the past and might offer any (reasonable) suggestion. Overall it looks like a poorly run airshow and spoils the immersive experience to say the least.
Thanks in advance.
Have you check the AFCAD files to make sure none are FS9? Also, didn't the AI aircraft have to be upgraded to FSX in order to work properly? Are all you AI, FSX models?

Just two possible ideas.
Hi John
Most if not all of my traffic folders have been used in previous iterations of P3D without any problem as far as I know. I believe that all the AI aircraft and AFCADS are FSX compliant although it's always possible that something may have sneeked in through the back door. I'll try to watch and see if there is a particular culprit doing this and narrow it down. A good start.