Strange cloud formations?


Given that I am proud of the clouds in OFF I have to say that I noticed the same issue once (only once) as well in the last few days of testing and will sort it!
But I have been focused on the 1.2 testing and so this is one that I will only get to for 1.3.

But I would appreciate some help in narrowing it down.

When you see it after finishing that sorty can you exit OFF directly and send me a file called: OFFDynamicMissionWeather.xml

This file is located in \weather.

Send it to:

And then I can easily fix - there are so many weather variations it is hard to find it as the weather changes as you fly.


Yes I remember seeing one of those and because I could see thru it, I figured it was a vapor veil and attempted to fly straight thru it.... BAD idea - it nearly ripped my wings off, LOL. As I went AROUND it after my recovery, I realized it was very thin. Didn't give it a second thought really.

I took those screenshots a few days ago so I really can't go back now, but if I see it again, I will most definitely take note and let you know. I was flying in Campaign so maybe I can go back and reproduce it. It wasn't really a big deal, I just thought it was strange.

I took those screenshots a few days ago so I really can't go back now, but if I see it again, I will most definitely take note and let you know. I was flying in Campaign so maybe I can go back and reproduce it. It wasn't really a big deal, I just thought it was strange.


Yes understood - no its a not a big deal for me either but it is wrong - if I can find the weather pattern that produces it it will be fixed.

Its what I call a 'soft issue' and its what we will be focusing on in 1.3.


I see vertical sheets all the time, just figured it was a graphical limitation of the engine's cloud render.
I've noticed Clouds, the appearence of which I've never seen. However in Phase 2, my sky was divided into clear cut panels, all blue but different shades of blue, talk about immersion killing.

Soo I welcome the funny looking clouds, as the panels are gone :kilroy:
:faint: looked for me as a rain front moving in. Never had it on sunny weather.
Or one too many nips of the anti freeze?


Never bothered me to be honest and see it all the time. I always thought I was witnessing a cloud forming (or disintegrating) in an updraft or something.

:a1451:And now my joyous immersion at the wonder of it all has been smashed into little bits by the truth !! :a1451:

I am a broken man CJ :crybaby: :crybaby: But I'll get over it .... one day .... perhaps .... please don't feel guilty .... it's not your fault .... well maybe a little bit .... well a lot actually now that I think about it .... I mean you started this damn thread anyway .... why did you do this ? DO YOU ENJOY TORMENTING PEOPLE HMMMM ?! IF YOU HADN'T STARTED THIS WHOLE THING I'D BE FINE. BUT NO ! YOU HAD TO START TH ....

Erm ... Mr catch it's time for your nap. Here's your neeeedle !

Ah thank you Nurse. I was just talking about this cheeky bounder who had the insolence to start a thread about clouds you see and that maybe all was not as it may seem what with anti freeze and stuff and then the dev came along and said there was indeed some err ....zzzzzzz :sleep:

WM- >> Given that I am proud of the clouds in OFF.. <<

You should be, they are spectacular IMO. I fly FS2004 often as well; so even if I don't encounter any combat in OFF, I enjoy the flight among the "castles in the sky".

By the mass, 'twill be fixed.

Cameljockey. Do you see yonder cloud that ’s almost in shape of a camel?
Winder: By the mass, and ’t is like a camel, indeed.
Cj: Methinks it is like a weasel.
W: It is backed like a weasel.
Cj. Or like a whale?
W: Very like a whale.
O.K I have looked into this issue and found out why the inside of the clouds is rendered like this In P3.

It will be fixed in next patch....which is an interim update and will be V1.25 and yes it will appear before we get to completing 1.3.

Great! Hard for me to imagine the clouds getting even better, because they look pretty exceptional already.
ZZ has a bucket of water ready for that sudden precipitation! :gossip: