strange looking icons


I noticed while adding Bill Lyons water that a lot of the icons in the texture in the scenery folder, are pictures of two paint brushes and an orange and green blob of paint with a brown artist pallet visable just to the lower left.
I never saw these in my old install on XP ,( running Windows 7 now) ,all my scenery seems fine but what are these icons?
It's one of the windows7 .bmp file pictograms that's all, kind of like the blue page one for a text file.
Probably displaying that way because the file is dxt or some other format that windows cannot put the preview picture of to display.
Nothing to worry about.


by the way

Although I like Bill's water textures I don't like the white blobs that I guess are supposed to be reflections that followthe plane.
Is there a way to get rid of them or are there better water textures out there?
Already tried about every water texture out there ,his seem the best except for the white blob reflections.
This water is not bad .. near the quality of the Zinertek Ultimate Water (payware!)

My Water Project V1.2
Images related to this file:

File Description:
My water Project V-1.2 is a freeware add-on that replaces the sad water textures of Flight Simulator 2004. My water Project V-1.2
- replaces the sea and ocean coral blue with a more realistic blue;
- adds wonderful coral waters;
- adds a pumping effect;
- colours change with the time of day;
- includes a great sun reflection effect and slightly the cloud.

There is no texture change between V1.0 and V1.2, just the new installation program witch now make automatically back up file ! AirTimSimulation Team
License:Freeware, limited distribution
Added:24th October 2010, 10:04:02



Thanks for the Heads UP!!

Thank you Navtech for the info on the files - D/L'ed the files - installed and now have better looking water in my FS2004. A Good job too. Take care.

If you view the main Texture folder in "Large Icons" mode, W7 will generate thumbnails for all standard image formats. But DXT compressed bimaps will just show as oversized generic bitmap icons.
I'll get used to it

I guess I'll get used to Windows 7 but right now ,I wish I had XP back . It seemed so much easier to use.