Strange Message When I Download

T Square

Charter Member
Don't know if this is the right spot or not but I keep getting this message when I download "New Files"

Message From Webpage

Your submission could not be processed because the token has expired. <br/>


Please Reload Window

Screen remains locked until I hit OK, Run Virus Scan, nothing comes up, and selected file downloads normally.

Anybody else getting this, just thought I should let someone know.
Here's the corporate opinion from the IT guru.

"We use security tokens, tell him to log out and clear cookies and re log in,
With the redirect problems some have, i turned it on on the server last Saturday night on the server."
Followed instructions it's a No/Go still get the message but only when downloading New ReLeased Files, from front page. You got me !
Odd. I just downloaded the DDR Mig 23 skin by Steve on the front page with no unusual issues. Don't know what else to do.
Mainly wanted you guys to know in case it was a problem, it really isn't that big of a deal, just hate to run out of "Tokens" don't want to miss the Bus you know
Just an update, I'm on auto for updates from MS, got one last night, I think it was for unlimited tokens, because the message is now gone.
