Strange problem with Bill Lyons' Grumman Goose


All this talk of Mallards got me digging out Bill Lyons' Goose, trouble is I'm getting a CTD when I try and run it, any ideas anyone?


All this talk of Mallards got me digging out Bill Lyons' Goose, trouble is I'm getting a CTD when I try and run it, any ideas anyone?



Likely a gauge issue IMO; if FS9, load without the panel to test.

If that works, then sort out the gauge sections until you find the culprit.
well, I think its a gauge issue, I'm having problems with all of Bill Lyons later productions causing same ctd, have to go rummaging a bit and see what is common methinks


One other thing to check for is that you have GaugeSound.dll and FSSound.dll in your MODULES Folder... Modelers like Bill Lyons and Tim Conrad sometimes used these .dll's with their Models. Check the original .zip Folders for the Goose to see if it's there.

Just throwing this out there...

Alan :encouragement:
IIRC these planes sometimes had problems with the CD/radios in the panels. Not the regular aviation COM radios, the ones that you can play music with.

Try commenting them out in the panel.cfg and see if the crashing stops.

IIRC these planes sometimes had problems with the CD/radios in the panels. Not the regular aviation COM radios, the ones that you can play music with.

Try commenting them out in the panel.cfg and see if the crashing stops.


Oooh, I forgot about that one... thanks, Lane!

I could never get that CD combo to work properly, either. I solved that issue by listening to my iPod instead!

Alan :biggrin-new: