Strange Problem

Lt. Heinz Becker

Charter Member
I recently downloaded the new CFS3 Enhanced Enviroment v2.0 for ETO and so far I am impressed but I have a strange problem. I have the groundcrew Bf 110 and for some strange reason the sight glass gets greyed out. I have narrowed the problem down to the shaders.xml file. The stock one works just fine but the one included in the download greys out the glass. I also tried the alternative shaders file with no avail. I don't know if this a known issue or am I installing this wrong. The only plane I have issue with is the GC Bf110.

View attachment 994
The law of unintended consequences strikes again! You are correct it is a shaders issue, and a simple fix that will take you all of thirty seconds. Once I'm home I can direct you to the appropriate value to change. Unfortunately you will lose the canopy glass effect on all the other planes that have it enabled. I'm curious though, is the gunsight greyed out with flat grey, or do the colors change as you maneuver? Try a loop or roll and see if it changes. I would expect to see a change from greenish to blue-ish.
Here you go - open your shaders.xml in notepad and look for the following section:

<ModelEnvironmentMap Desc="Vertex Lighting + Vertex Environment Map blended by TFactor"
Lighting="True" SpecularEnable="False"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="[ZFunc]" ZWriteEnable="True" ZBias="0" FogEnable="False"
AlphaBlendEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaTestEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaRef="8" MultiSample="True"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="Diffuse"
AlphaArg10="Texture" AlphaOp0="Modulate" AlphaArg20="Diffuse"
ColorArg11="Texture" ColorOp1="BlendFactorAlpha" ColorArg21="Current"
AlphaArg11="Current" AlphaOp1="SelectArg1" AlphaArg21="Current"
Texture1="1" TexTransformFlags1="[EnvMap]"

Change Texture0="1" to Texture0="0". Save it and you should be back in business.

I've been hunting around in the cockpit m3d file to see if I can modify the sight glass properties so you don't have to change the shaders.xml for everything else. No luck finding the right thing to edit so far.
Okay, it should have been easy, but I was forgetting to delete the bdp file, so I wasn't seeing the changes I was making take effect.

In the cockpit0 m3d you just need to hex edit the glass color intensity (address 933) from FF to 14 for the (texture 09)
i've this problem too but with aircraft texture become white when using shaders.xml from ETO environment v2.0 and had to switch back to original ETO shaders.xml.
but it (shader.xml from environment 2 ) works if i use ENB and self shadowing mod