Strange Text Presentation


When I look at a post, the text is only a couple of words wide, as though it was typed with the margins set just a few inches apart. It's very annoying!

Do the posts look like this to everyone, or is it just like this on my system?

Is there some setting I can change to make the posts display properly?
I do not know....

But we can all improve everything here for the better....

Just take note and lets give them a holler....

We are so used to the previous set up, so we are kinda lost....

I need a magnifying glass to read my own posts... LOL.... ;)


It looks ok after I hit submit message though
Yeah, but this is what it looks like in the thread.

I had to attach the screenie; I couldn't insert it into the message. The "Insert Image" button took me to the desktop, but the jpeg file waiting there didn't show up in the upload box.

Edit: Oops, it was a bitmap, not a JPEG. Maybe it would've shown up if I remembered to convert it to a JPEG.
Looks good on my end. Using Firefox or Google Chrome browsers...just in case that makes a difference.
Chrome User

My oddity is that using threaded view, clicking on a post briefly flashes it up, then switches back to the first post in the list!

Now it's a little different. Some posts still look compressed between margins a couple inches apart, like in my screenie, while other posts in the same threads look pretty much normal.

Very odd!

Each thread looks exactly the same in IE7 and in Firefox, so it's not browser-related.