Strange trees and buildings


Charter Member
I was reinstalling CFS 3, Med. Air War and ETO Expansion after removing everything from Program Files (x86) and it all seemed to go fine until the 1.50 install. Many of the trees and buildings now are kind on blocky and Picassoesque.

Here is a bit of my SceneryObjects.xml

<SceneryObject ID="0" Name="TreeEvergreen" SummerModel="tree" WinterModel="tree_win" IsMajor="true" Solid="false"/>

<SceneryObject ID="1" Name="TreeConiferous" SummerModel="tree" WinterModel="tree_win" IsMajor="true" Solid="false"/>

<SceneryObject ID="3" Name="TreeConiferous02" SummerModel="c_tree02" WinterModel="c_tree02_win" IsMajor="true" Solid="false"/>

<SceneryObject ID="4" Name="TreeConiferous03" SummerModel="c_tree03" WinterModel="c_tree03_win" IsMajor="true" Solid="false"/>

<SceneryObject ID="5" Name="TreeDeciduous01" SummerModel="d_tree01" WinterModel="d_tree01_win" IsMajor="true" Solid="false"/>

I'm wondering if there should be a SceneryObject ID="2" on this list and that's what is causing the problem.

Also the Polikarpov I-16 in SCW is just a white hole. in the aircraft folder I have an ETO_I-16_type24 with textures and an ETO_I-18_type24 with no textures. Seems a little strange.
An screen shot to illustrate.



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My SceneryObjects .XML looks the same and i have no problems. Not sure what your problem may be but something seems corrupted.Looks like something went wrong with the install as i never seen anything like this. How do your other installs look. Try reinstalling and see if that fixes your problem or if you downloaded the ETO from the sticky do not use the optional Ankor's shaders as they are out of date. Try deleting the Shaders30 file and the other two files and see if that fixes your problem first. The I-18 type 24 should have textures.
I don't see any shadows, so it looks like you have AnKor's shaders turned off. I've recently noticed that the game sometimes starts with them off, and sometimes they're on as they should be. I have to hit the period on the numpad to toggle them on again when it happens. I'm not sure if this started after a Win 10 monthly update, or when I installed new video drivers, but it's annoying, and unpredictable.
I downloaded it a number of years ago and had it installed and running just fine until Windows updates made it necessary to change directories. I have not installed AnKor's shades. The texture file for the I-18 is empty. Outside of these issues it seems to be working fine so I'd hate to do a reinstall.
Does everyone have a highres_scenerysheet01.dd or just a plain scenerysheet01.dd, I don't or can't find it with a search. I do remember seeing it somewhere before the install. Maybe the problem?
Okay, I found it in the Terrains/ file. The reason I asked is because in the assets folder is a scenerysheet01.xml which calls out scenerysheet01.dd. Is this reading the one in the terrains/ file or is it reading from the assets/highres dds/lowres_scenerysheet01.dd which is the only scenerysheet in that file. I shouldn't think it is reading the second one but I haven't a clue how this thing is coded.

Having the I-18 texture would be nice.

It's interesting that they used the term I-18 instead of I-16 as the only references I can find to the I-18 are as a dead end project with a french inline engine.
So that's what it's suppose to look like. Thanks much sixstrings5859 for the I-18 file. One problem down, one to go.