Strange trees!


I have this odd propagation of trees in ALL my installs with Ankors shaders but not in those without. ?? They also "sparkle"!

It looks like you may have modified some of your files, and the pattern of fields no longer matches where the game is being directed to plant trees.

There is nothing in the AnKor programming code that could modify or create new tree spawns in the game.

As far as the sparkle in the trees there is a new rendering function to allow transparency in the space between the leaves. To minimize the effect set
AlphaToCoverage=0 in the d3d8.ini file. If you already have it set that way, then it may be the transparency anti-aliasing setting on your video card that is creating it.
Actually there were a couple of reports from people seeing odd trees in WOFF. That was long ago but I never figured out what was the reason.
So it might be indeed related to my shaders.
Interesting that it's in all the installs with your shaders but as I also have wiekniera's stuff in there, I will have to try with those out first.
This problem used to be blamed on a mismatch between mos file and requisite texture file? Hence the trees do not align to the image. Clive knows a lot about this, if he is cruising the forum. These are the files that are placed in the Assets folder, to take priority over the stock stuff in the Terrains folders.