Stretching 2d panel


Charter Member
Is there any way to stretch a 2d panel in Xplane, I use the native res of my monitor which is 1680X1024, when I use the new 737 the 2d panel is about half the size?

Hey Gene,

That is a good question. Im not sure that you can. When the screen is at 1024 X 768, its fine, but at my resolution, (1900 wide), its pretty small also. I am thinking its their view technology. It will not allow one to stretch the view, unless Austin comes out with a fix. (Thats a theory, mind you).

I'll look around tonight though and see if I can find anything that is a 2D panel setting.

I believe that the 2D panels stretch in the 9.3 beta. I haven't downloaded it. I'm busy enough learning X-Plane, I don't want to mess around with a beta, I'll wait for the final version.

I just wanted to add my two cents about "beta" and why there is a reason it is called Beta! I went ahead and installed the Beta update, solved the problem with the panels.. Worked great once, was able to get in and fly. After trying to run run the X 737 I exited out of Xplane and went back to it later on, now Xplane will not boot and it keeps telling me it either has an out of memory error or something about the airplane I am trying to load and it errors out. Every time! Removed the X 737's, but that did not correct the out of memory error..

Got it fixed, I narrowed it down to my photoreal scenery that I had created and the update. Now, the X 737 doesn't work right with the new patch though.. Good Times!
Sorry Gene.

Man, that is a bummer. Makes me fear getting the Beta. Perhaps having a secondary install of XP9 on the backup drive to import over if it goes horribly bad is the way to go... Everyone is doing that with FSX now, (well, some are).
