Strictly Come Towing

That plane looks suspiciously like Flying Stations Canberra from the "Master of Tasks Pack". One of Steve's excellent Canberra Packs I don't have...:frown:

That plane looks suspiciously like Flying Stations Canberra from the "Master of Tasks Pack". One of Steve's excellent Canberra Packs I don't have...:frown:


It's from the Tugs and Trainers pack, I believe. It's the TT.18 model. FS Pilot Shop is selling the Canberra packs for $10 each.
Shame they don't do a PR.9 or a B.57B.

It's from the Tugs and Trainers pack, I believe. It's the TT.18 model. FS Pilot Shop is selling the Canberra packs for $10 each.
Shame they don't do a PR.9 or a B.57B.


I'll get around to it one day. It took a fair bit of work getting the bubble canopy series done, and I wanted a break from the Canberra after that. It'll be a while though, besides just Flight are doing a PR.9 as you probably know, so you'll be ok there for a bit :)

Why do I get this messages when the links are clicked?

[h=2]SOH Message[/h]Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
same here

I haven't been able to open an attachment in the SOH forums for a long time .I get the same error message as Naismith.
Its a result of the forum upgrade a month ago.

All attachments were lost in the upgrade.

To be honest to me it seems the vBulleting software always porks its self every few years and we loose all attachments. This is why I never attach images to the forum anymore I host them at photobucket or the like. It just makes better sense.
Replacement images




Who said "PR.9"?




The JF PR.9 will be for 'The Dark Side' only. This one is by Bill Holker.

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If you're after an even better freeware PR.9 for FS2004, google Paul Foster's models. He did a superb series of these some years ago, I still use them, albeit with modified FDEs from my own Canberras. His models were excellent though.

Love the TT.18 screens! Here are a few more from my own collection:

If you're after an even better freeware PR.9 for FS2004, google Paul Foster's models. He did a superb series of these some years ago, I still use them, albeit with modified FDEs from my own Canberras. His models were excellent though.

Paul's Canberra PR9 series is superb, he even managed to include the Shorts SC.9; and, of course, he gave us the 'fighter canopy' Mk 8 & 12s as well.

Loving this thread btw, always nice to see people having fun with this venerable lady.
With you 100% on that, Andy. For some reason (and I've said it before) Paul's superb work on the fighter canopy versions seems overlooked to me. His is still the only B(I) series of Canberras that I know of out there. I plan to do these myself one day, but until that day (and it is somewhere way over the rainbow), I fly his, and his PR.9.

In the meantime, I'm bringing WK128 in to land:

Tucked in:
