Stumped Again!


Charter Member
Well,most of this mission-writing stuff isnt too hard,or its pretty obvious
if you read another mission file,but I havent figured out yet the line of "code" that makes the "Target" the "Goal-Target" or in Laymens terms,
Red to "Purple".Which brings me to my next question which may lead to
my problem. How "specific" do the Target ID numbers have to be? I just used one that was close to my "sample" mission say, instead of 9212 I
used 9312.

My flights targetID matches the enemyID,(group) and
when I tested before I left for work,it didnt read goal-completed
after killing off the last target? And no "Purple-Goal".

Im going to "search" through here, but I thought I'd drop
a line in here anyhow just to keep it hoppin!

Thank you all,SOF Rocks! <<S>>