Stupid but Quick newbie question...



I've read the Tips 'n Tricks Thread, and did advanced search on the OFF forum, but didn't come up with a satisfactory answer...

When flying (and shooting!) in the SE5a, is this command supposed to work as well?...
"Reload Lewis Gun N17 . . . . . Shft+C "

I ran out of ammo wilst being jumped by 4 Albitri. Never did have a moment to reload the wing Lewis, then had a break in the action, so I tried Shft + C, and the gun came down, but nothing else, so I hit Shft + C again, and it went up, but wasn't reloaded.

When your out of ammo in the SE5, your O-U-T ??? OR am I missing something?
You can't reload in flight. The only thing you can do is go to the main menu and set the preferences to unlimited ammo in "workshop". Otherwise, as in real life, you have to carefully manage your ammo and run like heck when you're out.
I ran out of ammo wilst being jumped by 4 Albitri. Never did have a moment to reload the wing Lewis, then had a break in the action, so I tried Shft + C, and the gun came down, but nothing else, so I hit Shft + C again, and it went up, but wasn't reloaded.

When your out of ammo in the SE5, your O-U-T ??? OR am I missing something?

OFF gives you the full loadout of your original drum plus all the reload drums. No need to change drums so it is way easier than real life. Basically yes, when you are out you are out.

As far as I know the reload 'Shift+C' is just an animation of a reload (basically it uses the cockpit open/close function from CSF3) but it has no real impact on your bullet loadout within the game.
Vatt a pity, VENATOR. Becauze, in our Albatros, vee hav 1.000 Roundz minimum - in ze D Va even 1.100 Roundz!
I told you to join our Side - itz just more Fun !
I am just back from another Jagd; vizz der neue D V, ze S.E. 5a's had no chance to escape my gunz. And I can assure you: 4 of your Viper's vont return to der Base today - so you may as vell start vizz der Dinner; don't let it go cold. Mmmuahahahaaa!!!
That's right a nimble beautiful aircraft with a pop gun, or a heavy war machine flies like a brick but has guuuns. Mmmm
Hi, Pol ! Gone tripehound now, I see.
If you meant the D V - it doesn't fly like a brick at all, if you know, how to handle it; and you should know that, as you designed it. Or is my PC too fast? I had no problem, getting and staying behind the S.E. 5a's; settings all to harshest reality. The plane climbs good enough to catch up with them, unless they choose to escape - maybe, there they'd be a little bit faster. But I'm working on my long-distance-shooting - mmuahahaaa!!!

I've started a new pilot now with Jasta 11, and I've set campaign dates on manual; hoping, that I can fly the D III (170), D V, D Va, Dr.1 and D VII in the same Jasta. Only problem: I must survive for several months, and I've never managed to, so far...
When your out of ammo in the SE5, your O-U-T ??? OR am I missing something?

When you're out of bullets, you're out of Bullets
(F5) is your ONLY ammo counter in the game, I don't care which side you fly for . . . it's nice to check, before you start something you can't finish with 87 Bullets
Somehow, I get the feeling I won't be the only one playing 'Ground Hog Day' with the Tripehound. In real life it was around for about 6 weeks :kilroy:
Thanks gents,
I felt it was so, but needed to make sure. That Lewis did seem to just keep popping beyond 97 rounds into those 4 Albitri. Even when out of ammo, I dived on a low flying Albatros who was lining up a wingmate, and DID NOT expect to make any impact, but he tried to evade even tho I couldn't shoot, he hit a tree, and plowed into a house! That never happens in First Eagles...

There are so d__m many "secret" keystrokes and combinations, my head sometimes spins. And trying to stop once I land... I've run aground onto too many hangers already, the Major is furious with me. Scrubbing potatoes again tonight.

...I told you to join our Side - itz just more Fun !
I am just back from another Jagd ... 4 of your Viper's vont return to der Base today - so you may as vell start vizz der Dinner; don't let it go cold. Mmmuahahahaaa!!!

My earlier flirtation with the dark side was only so I can better learn your ways and technology! To paraphrase, "keep your friends close, and your enemy closer..." I will n-e-v-e-r join your side!
B.T.W. are you my father? :ernae:
Hi, Pol ! Gone tripehound now, I see.
If you meant the D V - it doesn't fly like a brick at all, if you know, how to handle it; and you should know that, as you designed it.

Yes I made the flight model, I know it's not like a real brick but relatively speaking compared to say the little Nieuport it is. Also you can munch Se5's as you are a clever human against not great AI. DV is nicer I think in P3, but when you get to fly against the Se5a's and new AI in P3 (in 2010 yes) you can try again :)
There are so d__m many "secret" keystrokes and combinations, my head sometimes spins. And trying to stop once I land... I've run aground onto too many hangers already, the Major is furious with me. Scrubbing potatoes again tonight.

I don't think you dense, however you do have an obvious language situation. If you translate word for word, Tips & Cheats #11 and print it out in your native tongue, most of your problems will be solved.
Baron von Mahlo comes out of his tent late at night, goes to his Albatros D V and strokes it gently.
"Ach mein gutes Mädchen, nobody likez us. Even der VENATOR betrayed uns (***!) Flyink for der Allied side, only because zey all vant to belong to der Winners of der War in ze end. And der Pol says, you are flyink like a Brick - tch! Zey are too many! Yes, yes, my dear - vee cannot vin zis Schlamassel alltogezer. But before itz over, vee will show zem, how to fight - you and I."
Goes back into his tent.
After a while, a "plopp!" can be heard. For the fame of his name, the Bordeauxred Baron opens a 1904 Chateau Cantemerle. "Salut - the French say the same, I sink. I must say zis for zem: zey know, how to cook; and how to build a great wine. So zey can't be all zat bad, can zey?"
lol Oldham, I just took the P3 DV up and it's not bad at all. Then I realised I only had 30% fuel, but hey loads of ammo :)
I think the DVa is sweet. Yes, she'll drop like a stone if you throttle back, but I've taken on Camels and SPADs with her and come out the winner. She can take a hit, too. I always adjust my fuel load for the mission, I rarely have 100% at take-off, maybe that is a factor. If I'm going across the front lines, I'll carry more, in case I get hit and start leaking, in which case I usually have enough to make my own side of the front and land. For short 21 mile hops, I'll rarely have more than 50%. There is a noticable difference in handling and performance. Try a quick mission with 100% fuel and then another one right after with 50%.
Absolutely right, BAYWING, that's how to fly the Albatros. And then, it's a damn dangerous plane.
She can take quite some hits (only notorious for leaking tanks after hits - don't know, if that tank was so big, or so exposed - I often come down in the middle of the mud. I'll do as you did, in future: fill in more, when I must go deep into enemy terrain).

I have meanwhile flown several types, and so far, I can say, that the handling and performances seemed best with the D III and D V (must yet check the D Va 200). The D Va seemed heavier, and tended to stall earlier, than the D V. But maybe, judgement is never very objectiv.
Well, I'm in Jasta 11 now, with the D III (170), and will try to get all the planes, they changed to in Campaign. Hope I survive long enough...
the Albatros in Phase II is maybe modelled a bit too slow and lame, but then i really don't know how i would know that (from my days during WWI?) :icon_lol:
With enough "energy" (attacking from above) she is a very good fighter, as well at altitudes of not more than 3000ft/1000m - at that altitude she is also fast (more than 110 mph, or 180 km/h respectively) - and she is a relatively good dogfighter against Spads or SE5s, if not against Nieuports - but which plane beats Nieuports for agility ?
(I think the Hanriot is not included in P3?)

There were still some D.IIIs used in 1918, and following the records they were still able to shoot down lots of SE5s at that time. This is probably due to the Entente's material superiority and allied fighter scouts invading the german skies on a regular basis, but seldomly vice versa. German planes crossing the front were mostly reconnaissance planes, or bombers.
It is said that the winds favoured german flying, blowing mostly from west to east, but does someone have real evidence ? It is true for the Hawker-Richthofen fight, but during the whole war ? This is not so self-evident when you look at today's weather charts.

Yes, Catfish, the Nupes can turn on a plate - only the Dr.1 would be able to do the tango with them.
With the Albatros, I don't climb too much and too long; keep her nose horizon level, or push it down a bit to gain speed (works good due to her relatively high weight), and I mostly win against the Nupes. (Well, them poor b:censored:s have only that single gun, and not a perfect gun sight really, so they can turn like hell - but win a fight?)

But! - in P3 that may all be very different; I guess, the devs have improved not only the artificial intelligence, but also got the flight models more realistic. So, some or all of us will have to learn survival again; and we may come back with less kills. But: I'm really keen on it!!!