stupid freasing.


Charter Member
some times when i am plying 1946 my computer freases and auto maticly re starts. i have noteiced that this mostly happens when crosing from land to water in a pull out " has hapend 4 or mor times when trying to compleat a carriear misson over iwo Jima) or durin large or multipul explotions and or flack barrashs. is there any way i can fix this with out degrading graficks. i love the way the game looks now and dont want to change it. i dont have a external vid card but the internal one is above the requird minimum. do i need one or not? also this hase bean happning since i got the demo for the orignal. and il-2 fb :censored: pleas help!!!!!
any pitular update because all i saw at the website were for games other than 1946. so can you give me a name?
some times when i am plying 1946 my computer freases and auto maticly re starts. i have noteiced that this mostly happens when crosing from land to water in a pull out " has hapend 4 or mor times when trying to compleat a carriear misson over iwo Jima) or durin large or multipul explotions and or flack barrashs. is there any way i can fix this with out degrading graficks. i love the way the game looks now and dont want to change it. i dont have a external vid card but the internal one is above the requird minimum. do i need one or not? also this hase bean happning since i got the demo for the orignal. and il-2 fb :censored: pleas help!!!!!

What is your onboard graphics card specification?
we use the default "intel 946gz express chipset famly" that came in the machine.
That may be the problem as the Intel graphics chipset is not very good with this sim. Check to see if you have an AGP or PCI Express video card slot on the motherboard.