Never mind I seem to have found most of it on one of my HDs. Surprised it's not available somewhere here as well as Mathias's gmax facility tutorial. Not that they help me much as obviously I am not very good at using such programs a sgmax!
Glad you found most of it mongoose, I've since posted a question at Simviation but we'll see if there are any replies. I don't know about the facility tut, I haven't seen that one.
James - I have the entire file, let me know if you want it. Also I searched for the facility guide but could not find it. I know I have a copy just it is hidden real well. I have not forgotten TOW just family health issues at the moment.
I cleaned it up a little and combined the parts 1 & 2 into a single .pdf. I did not ask Mathias' permission for this, so I hope he doesn't mind. Then again, I am not taking credit for his work either .
Hope it helps.
You never know what's going to turn up next. Should anyone else want the Stupid Idiot's Guide tutorial, see this thread at the FSX forum, Prowler1111's post.
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