stuttering again :-(


Flight Sim Junkie
So, I have picked up a consistent stutter whenever I use the Milviz C310. It's not happening with any other aircraft so I'm pretty confident it's one of my add-ons. Especially since when I disabled the add-ons using add-on linker, the stutter went away, so that pretty much confirmed it. Problem is I have so many add-ons. I am hoping someone else here has experienced this and has found the cure. It's such a royal pain to have to restart the sim with each round of disabling stuff. :banghead: I installed the latest version of the pms gtn but that wasn't the issue.

Did the stuttering start recently? If so, you could arrange your add-ons by date installed (date modified), disable the most
recent, and start testing from there. If it's been going on for awhile, and no one else has a suggestion, then yeah, you're stuck
with testing the bunch. Perhaps You could also try asking on the AVsim or Blackbird/Milviz forums as well.

Hope you can find a solution; it's a great plane to fly.
I haven't had any stuttering in quite awhile, until the newest update. I had some stuttering and out of focus runway markings on a short flight from Lindbergh to Miramar MCAS in San Diego, Ca. in the Azurpoly C-160 Transall, LVFR KSAN & KNKX. I didn't notice any of this before SU16.

Like I said in the thread about World Update 16, with that update, your dlss dll files in the sim are "updated" to an older version, causing stutters and lower framerates for quite a few people.

Install and run the DLSS Swapper app, and update your DLSS dll's to the latest version.



Thanks, but I'm running DX11 and TAA super sampled in my HP Reverb. It never looked so good now that I picked up a rtx 4080 super. Oh, and I have some culprits to the Milviz 310 problem isolated and the 310 is back in business. :) There are some mods I had to add the pms GTN750 to other aircraft that seem to be the culprit.

Thanks, but I'm running DX11 and TAA super sampled in my HP Reverb. It never looked so good now that I picked up a rtx 4080 super. Oh, and I have some culprits to the Milviz 310 problem isolated and the 310 is back in business. :) There are some mods I had to add the pms GTN750 to other aircraft that seem to be the culprit.


Hmm, something to think about, as I just downloaded the PMS GTN750 last night to try out. (Not really a Glass instrument fan when using the mouse.)
Hmm, something to think about, as I just downloaded the PMS GTN750 last night to try out. (Not really a Glass instrument fan when using the mouse.)

The PMS GTN on its own is perfectly fine and no stuttering. I had some files that were trying to jam the GTN into some aircraft that were not really set up for it. I don't know why that affected the C310 but I've seen scenery files affect aircraft before. I highly recommend the PMS GTN as it uses the sim's database of airports. I don't like it when there is an airport in the sim that's not there in real life thus not in the gps.
