Stuttery scenery display in 2D / VC Mode


Charter Member
What’s up Doc?

Calling all graphics medics.

I run FS 9 and Fs 2002 on an Intel Core 2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHZ with 2 GB RAM and a GE Force 8400GS.

I know that this is a pretty modest set-up, but,until recently, I was getting great graphics and very smooth performance at a locked 25 FPS.

I now am faced with what is a stuttery lagging display when I am in 2D or VC mode and am turning left or right, particularly in mountainous terrain.

I’ve tried all the usual suggested fixes – updated to the latest driver, let FS9 rebuild the .cfg, set frame rates at unlimited, turn all sliders to minimum etc; but no improvement. I even uninstalled FS 9 and re-installed the out-of the –box version- same stuttery display.

Just wondering if there were any other ideas out there that I might try, before I throw everything out of the window !


OK, one question for you; you say "until recently" everything was running smoothly, so something has changed; have you updated graphics card drivers or installed any new software (in or out of the game)?
Hi, Stuart!

Does this stuttering occur on any aircraft?
Even default ones?

Do you have a frame-hungry scenery in the neighborhood of those mountains?
What about the mesh (although even high-density meshes don't have much frame impact...).

The newest video driver doesn't have to be the best. Tried older ones?

What about your HD? Did you defragment it recently?
How much space is left on the HD?
Sudden occurance of those issues would lead my first suspicion to your HD...

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies- this site is so friendly and helpful.

I get the problem even with default aircraft and in default undemanding scenery areas [ although not as severe admittedly].

I have loads of HD space to play with [80 %] and have recently defragged with 'Defraggler' utility.

I am trying to wind my set-up back to when it was smooooth, by process of elimination.

I did try a newer driver [257.21] after using Driversweeper and then installed Nvidia inspector- no improvement, in fact the graphics were inferior to the display with my old driver [182.08]. I re-installed the old driver and went back to Nhancer.

I did read that Active camera can cause problems- or is that baloney ?

The only other add-on I've installed recently is RWY12, but I understood that their static objects libraries are frame-rate friendly.

I'll keep trying.

Hummmm - seems like you've already eliminated the usual suspects...

One more thing comes to my mind: it's the weather!
I sometimes get those stutters when flying in real weather (Pablo Diaz's high-definition clouds in DXT version installed).

But since you've already did your debugging very systematically, I won't suppose your weather settings being the reason for your probs...

Still get the problem with blue skies.

Just checked the framererates, when flying a full circuit out of Jasper in a Beaver.They vary from 25 to 37, never less.

I am going to have a play with with my monitor resolutions and the 'V sync' settings in Nhancer, but I'm sure I've tried that already.

I love this hobby when everything is on song- but feel like throwing my dummy out of the cot when it ain't.

By the way- I too am a big fan of Ice Pilots NWT, can't wait for series 2 to show in the UK.


Any softwares who are scanning files or folders ? like antivirus realtime scan ... scheduled tasks .. auto update processes ....
speaking of which, run a full AV scan in case you have some unwanted spyware, etc hogging your resources.

You could also try an external fps-limiter, it was brought up as an fsx tweak, but I find it works quite well in all games, FS9 included, no real fps increase as such, I'm set to 25fps, but reduced those little micro-stutters in high complexity areas.

If not already, try setting your monitor screen display to its default resolution. Some monitors complain loudly about not running default res.
If you've recently installed something from aerosoft look for oleacc.dll
in the main fs9 folder; and rename that to something like oleacc.bak
and reduce the AA setting to 4X
doing that has partially cured my own graphics hiccups; (but I still can't choose / alter any menu items 'on the fly' without a blackscreen crash!!)

Personally I think a 'Windows' update is to blame.


I'm actually suffering the same bad stuttering when the plane turns left or right.
I have a decent system and FS9 used to be maxed out on settings and ran a constant very smooth 30fps plus.
I bought a widescreen monitor and since that day my FS9 struggles to run above 21fps even at default settings:(
Hopefully this thread can help me as well.

If you've recently installed something from aerosoft look for oleacc.dll
in the main fs9 folder; and rename that to something like oleacc.bak
and reduce the AA setting to 4X
doing that has partially cured my own graphics hiccups; (but I still can't choose / alter any menu items 'on the fly' without a blackscreen crash!!)

Personally I think a 'Windows' update is to blame.



Interesting..gonna try this regarding my fps issue as posted regarding Douglas Kallen's Stearman. Does anyone know exactly what the oleacc.dll does ?


f you've recently installed something from aerosoft look for oleacc.dll
in the main fs9 folder; and rename that to something like oleacc.bak

Strange that Aerosoft in involved in a installation of this DLL .. as:

Oleacc.dll is the Active Accessibility Core Component available in Windows operating systems. It is used by Windows when using Active Accessibility products. It was developed by Microsoft and is utilized in Microsoft Windows systems. The dll is not listed as an essential system component, but special consideration should be taken before deleting or altering it.

Don't think I read if this drag happens anywhere or only in a certain part of the world. I had a nice scenery that was unfortunately a FPS killer. I could be 50 or more FS miles away and would be flying fine until I turned. Once that scenery came into where the monitor had to deal with it, bang would go the FPS even though the scenery was out of sight and far away.

I also don't think msconfig was mentioned. In start, run, type msconfig in there then hit enter. Hit the services tab then check the hide all microsoft services box. What's left is what starts up when you boot. Some programs, well most of them, automatically add themselves to this list when you install them but lots of them don't need to start every day. Some even re-add themselves after you get rid of them. It would only take one to tip some systems into game issues. I check this once in a while to keep things lean.
Thanks for the helpful suggestions Guys.

I thought I had cracked it today when I had a play with my Fs Autostart settings. Previously I had only selected Services to 'stop and restart' because there were some recommendations to follow. I get the impression that the Programs you choose to stop is pretty much down to a 'try it and see' technique,so I stopped pretty much everything except 'fs9.exe'.

Wow ! My framerates jumped to a constant 75fps and everything was as smooth as silk.........but my AA had gone.For some reason after tweaking nhancer to get the AA back,the stutters returned .

I have hit the wall in terms of my limited knowledge of these matters, but will persevere.

If the AA has caused the stutters, make sure you have it turned off in sim, and turned on in your enhancer control panel, letting that handle the AA, filtering etc. tends to improve performance.


Hi Folks,

I think I've cracked it !

I downloaded AlacrityPC by Ken Salter and installed it. The stuttering has virtually gone [ just a little in 'busy' areas but I suppose that's to be expected – eg Tacoma in a complex a/c with all sliders maxed ].
Many of you will have AlacrityPC or something similar , but I can recommend this program as not only is it easy to set up, it has a ‘tick-box’ facility to automatically shut down non-essential programs that it it has already pre-selected. It really has made a difference to my flying experience.

I used the predecessor Fs Autostart, but was never sure which programs I could safely shut down, so I left well alone and just amended the running services.That possibly accounts for why it made no real difference to my sim performance[?]

As with all these programs I would recommend reading the instructions carefully to get the most out of it.
I left the first section re trimming your programs as that is beyond my comfort zone, but the rest is fairly straightforward.

One thing I have learnt is to stick with the driver you have if you're happy with it. Mine is 182.08 for an Nvidia and it's staying put.

So now I can back to flying instead of cussing / tweaking / cussing again.

I sometimes think I have an almost unhealthy interest in this amazing hobby.

Thanks for all your help guys.:ernae:
