In the aircraft folder for the Texan there is a folder labeled, "Extra." Inside you'll find a paintkit that has the Photoshop files that were used to make the original texture files. You can use these files to make changes to the textures as you please. These are the same files we shipped off to Banana Bob and he made the photo-real textures used on the FAZGB or Reno Racer Harvard Mk IV variant. If you want to change the "shinny" effect, you can make adjustments to the files "AT6_fuselage_spec_T" and "AT6_wing_spec_T."
Jesse is still planning on having a texture painting contest for the Texan. He decided to wait until after the dust settled from the release of the FSX version of the P-38. It will be open to anyone and a stripped down version of the model will be made available for free for those who don't own a copy, both FSX and FS9 versions. Unless they're really really bad, these contest entries will be made available for others to use. Hopefully, someone will make a bare-metal texture that you like.