Suggestions for add-ons in the 'Eye Candy Category'; Sky, water and land?


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Suggestions for add-ons in the 'Eye Candy Category'; Sky, water and land?

Well, I've got it! My new rig. :) The old has reached the considerable age of 7. And the Sapphire 9600XT AGP card is not up to par anymore. So time had come. And it will retire to the job as the 'Rig of the Missus'

Now, after I have installed some of my sons games - like the 'Medieval II' pack, 'Rome - Total War' and 'Civilization V' - with a stunning result, it's time for me to install FS9.

I am an 'eye candy man' and I like VFR low and slow. But to restrain my self from caving in to my urge to simply pour on add-ons in numbers, I got this weird idea that I - initially - will set a max limit of 3 add-ons in the 'Eye Candy Category'; Sky, water and land.

Do you guys have any suggestions? Which add-on(s) is/are the most 'efficient'?

Regarding planes, I will stick to the wonderful creations from Milton Shupe and Tim Conrad.


Intel® Core™ i7-870 Processor,
XFX AMD HD6870 Video Card
Gigabyte P55-USB3 Mother board
1000GB SATA2 Hard Drive
Windows 7, Premium, 64bit
Coolermaster SILEO500
I am an 'eye candy man' and I like VFR low and slow.

Regarding planes, I will stick to the wonderful creations from Milton Shupe and Tim Conrad.

Intel® Core™ i7-870 Processor,

There's one addon that brings everything you need. It's called FSX :wavey:
Milton's planes work very well, and Tim is only creating planes for FSX now. As for the VFR and low-and-slow flying, sceneries made by OrbX and Holger Sandmann will amaze you.

Appart from this, if you really want to stay with FS9, I would say that the FS9 sceneries from Holger Sandmann, payware and freeware (Glacer Bay, North Cascades, Mysty jords etc...), are what you are looking for. The freeware HDE clouds package from Pablo Diaz will give you a very nice sky, but if you prefer payware, I suppose REX might suit you better.
for ground textures... Ground Environment Pro, and for other textures i use REX for FS2004, the combination makes things nice... also use Ultimate Terrain USA, Canada and Europe just to add a bit more 'pop' to the sim...
There's one addon that brings everything you need. It's called FSX :wavey:
Milton's planes work very well, and Tim is only creating planes for FSX now. As for the VFR and low-and-slow flying, sceneries made by OrbX and Holger Sandmann will amaze you.

Appart from this, if you really want to stay with FS9, I would say that the FS9 sceneries from Holger Sandmann, payware and freeware (Glacer Bay, North Cascades, Mysty jords etc...), are what you are looking for. The freeware HDE clouds package from Pablo Diaz will give you a very nice sky, but if you prefer payware, I suppose REX might suit you better.

Hi Daube.. :salute:Generally, it is not a question of "if you prefer", it is a question of "if you can"...
Even I know your FSX screens ( you, Farmer, etc... ) are superb...

salut Daube, ça va ? Un jour j'essaierai FSX, même si je sais qu'actuellement, avec ma config
déjà pas mal et révisée en 2009, ce n'est même pas la peine d'essayer...
C'est donc la plupart du temps une question de moyens et/ou de priorités...
Peut-être aussi une question de choix... d'avions.. ou d'investissements passés...
En attendant on peut rêver un peu du côté des screens de C6... et d'ailleurs...:applause:

There are a number of freeware packages out there that will make FS9 look amazing. From mesh, to clouds, to trees, to lightning and rain. Some time back, I started a thread called Making FS9 Look Great For Free. In that thread, I listed a great number of freeware packages that I use to improve my FS9 installs. Others chimed in with their suggestions, some of which proved to be better than the ones I was using. I will try to dredge up that thread and give you a link to it.

Hi Daube.. :salute:Generally, it is not a question of "if you prefer", it is a question of "if you can"...
Yes indeed, but that's why I've quoted his CPU as well, which is up to the task for VFR flights ;)

salut Daube, ça va ? Un jour j'essaierai FSX, même si je sais qu'actuellement, avec ma config
déjà pas mal et révisée en 2009, ce n'est même pas la peine d'essayer...
C'est donc la plupart du temps une question de moyens et/ou de priorités...
Peut-être aussi une question de choix... d'avions.. ou d'investissements passés...
En attendant on peut rêver un peu du côté des screens de C6... et d'ailleurs...:applause:
T'inquietes pas, l'essentiel est de prendre son pied sur le simu qui convient le mieux a chacun, et ce en fonction de TOUS les parametres, y compris les parametres persos :ernae:
Yes indeed, but that's why I've quoted his CPU as well, which is up to the task for VFR flights ;)

T'inquietes pas, l'essentiel est de prendre son pied sur le simu qui convient le mieux a chacun, et ce en fonction de TOUS les parametres, y compris les parametres persos :ernae:
... and good Flights ... et bons vols comme on dit... :ernae:
Thank you

Daube, Smoothie, SOLOBO, OBIO and Jagdflieger, thank you for your help

FSX? I'm tempted. And It may be that I buy it.

OBIO, I will carefully read your 'Making FS9 Look Great for FREE V2'

Jagdflieger, I guess there is nothing else to do but roll up my sleeves and start reading :)

Take care
