Sumburgh airport ILS calibration


Hi All

I wondered if someone has a moment to do a cross check for me please?

I use Sumburgh (EGPB) as a remote place to practice bad weather approaches in my Island hoppers.

I am having trouble capturing the glideslope on the RWY 09 approach and am also seeing some very large "humps" in that runway.

I have the Sumburgh airport from Orbx but have also tried approaches with just the default airport.

Using 108.5 and an initial point altitude of 1900ft I can acquire the localiser ok but when I hit APR in the G1000 nothing happens.

I have tested with the Cessna 208 and the Cessna 172 both with the G1000.

An anorack request I know but if someone does have a minute I'd be grateful for some feedback please.
