Super Galeb G-4

Neat video. I have never seen the Super Galeb G-4 anywhere. Great music!! Thanks for sharing. Did find a FS2002 model at flightsim site.

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002 Soko Supergaleb G-4
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 423,373 Date: 02-01-2002 Downloads: 1,212
[SIZE=-1]FS2002 Soko Supergaleb G-4. The G-4 Super Galeb was designated to replace the earlier G-2A Galeb in basic, advanced and combat training role in Yugoslav Airforce. Included are a trainer/attack model and model used by "Letece zvetde" (Flying Stars) display team. Designed by Mikko Maliniemi. Painted and by adjusted by Zeljko Vukovic.[/SIZE]

Since the last post in that thread was a year ago. . .does "soon" really have any relevance? lol
It does look like an exceptional model though. It would be great to see it "sooner".:salute: