SUPER OT: I did the impossible...


Charter Member
I have uploaded a video to youtube with a licensed song in it (yes... I bought, a looong time ago.) and it didn't get muted. I don't have the song itself anymore on my new rig, so I had to use to snatch it from my one of my older videos (the cessna: legacy one. remember?) and when I uploaded it, well, like I said, it wasn't muted. (this is OT becuase it has not a thing to do with FS, I just feel like it's a great achievment lol):woot:

I saw the video...After half way I was like,man ,i thought I was going to ride this puppy..Then I did...It was a great job and song..Well done...

I have a coaster thing here to build them too..its fun ....
I'm so gonna watch this the next time I'm drunk. :costumes:

No offense, but a general mute video would have been fine too. I could bear the song for an estimated 10 seconds before I turned down the volume. :d

P.S: First: Design rollercoaster on PC. Then: :d
yeah well, it was all I had for a music option, and this was really just for my friend, and he's a techno freak so, i dont' really listen to this stuff. Oh man, I remember seeilng that on TLC ot something, that guy made me soooo jealous.
YouTube is not muting all music from videos...just music owned in any way by Warner and its many affiliates. Warner wants more money, YouTube ain't willing to cough up the money, Warner told them to yank the music or get taken to court for BIG BUCKS! YouTube blinked and muted any and all music that is owned in any way by Warner.

It happened to me a few weeks ago. I made a video over a year ago entitled "Jupiter-2 in New York City" and laced it with Frank Sinatra song New york....after more than a year I get a message saying the copyright holder, I tried the mute thingy and it would not work, had to remove it. Went back and saw the other hundreds of peeps using the same song on theirs, so I figured that the copyright holder did not like Lost in Space LOL.

I wonder if Francis Scott Key would mind me using the anthem on a video....probably not, utub will have me mute it or something...their stroy will be "Dear user....the bones of Francis Scott Key came into the office claiming ownership rites to the music you used on your video...."
Better be careful, peeps are so anal lately about this crap if you hum a song in public expect to get sued. I got so cheesed off about all the youtube posts on this site hijacking my system I disabled scripts in my browser.