Hello Fellow Sim-Outhouse Pilots. It has been a while since my last visit due mainly to the pressures of work, and of course my wife guarding the Flight Sim Yoke with a roller pin in her hand 
So I beg your pardon if the heads-up has already been announced on the SuperATC. To me it looks pretty good http://www.superatc.com/
The page above will have a YouTube Click prompt where you can see and hear the new Speech Recognition in action. Below is a bit of a write up taken from the site.....Enjoy!!!
Get your FREE SuperATC©
Download and install the latest version of SuperATC. This is NOT a Plug-N-Play application. So please follow the installation instructions very carefully... it'll make things much easier! [/URL]The Old Way
Typically you use the keyboard to select menu items in the Microsoft ATC Window. But this is NOT what happens in a "real" cockpit. Hence, the sense of "Virtual Reality" is greatly diminished by the rudimentary Microsoft ATC Window manual selection methodology.
The New Way!
Now you'll be saying things like...

So I beg your pardon if the heads-up has already been announced on the SuperATC. To me it looks pretty good http://www.superatc.com/
The page above will have a YouTube Click prompt where you can see and hear the new Speech Recognition in action. Below is a bit of a write up taken from the site.....Enjoy!!!
Please DO NOT INSTALL SuperATC unless you are SERIOUS about ATC communications.
SuperATC© permits you to speak with the Microsoft Flight Sim Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) using "real world" communication protocols. The SuperATC system listens to what you say, parses the phraseology, then automatically makes the appropriate Microsoft ATC menu selections for you. It's truly amazing to see how it works! [URL="http://www.superatc.com/html/install.asp"]Please DO NOT INSTALL SuperATC unless you are SERIOUS about ATC communications.

Download and install the latest version of SuperATC. This is NOT a Plug-N-Play application. So please follow the installation instructions very carefully... it'll make things much easier! [/URL]The Old Way
Typically you use the keyboard to select menu items in the Microsoft ATC Window. But this is NOT what happens in a "real" cockpit. Hence, the sense of "Virtual Reality" is greatly diminished by the rudimentary Microsoft ATC Window manual selection methodology.
The New Way!
Now you'll be saying things like...
"Abbotsford Tower. Cessna November 176 Charlie Mike. IFR clearance to Seattle. Ready to copy."
And best of all... it's FREE... Enjoy!