Supersonic. . .Are we there yet?


Charter Member
Have we got there yet in MSFS2020?

I have a strong urge to do it.

Does Dino's demon manage it?

What happens when you do - shock-waves?, noise, controls to opposite as C of G shifts.
Done it many, may times in P3D, FSX, etc. Really wondering about the NEW sim.

Answers on a postcard please, with photographic evidence if you feel the need.
Thanks in advance.

Supersonic flight is not simulated in MSFS yet.
I will be in future.
When, nobody knows.
Supersonic flight is not simulated in MSFS yet.
I will be in future.
When, nobody knows.

Bagsy first in line.
After Burners Toasting. . .
This is a pic from a mate of mine that used to fly this for a living. . .

Have we got there yet in MSFS2020?

I have a strong urge to do it.

Does Dino's demon manage it?

What happens when you do - shock-waves?, noise, controls to opposite as C of G shifts.
Done it many, may times in P3D, FSX, etc. Really wondering about the NEW sim.

Answers on a postcard please, with photographic evidence if you feel the need.
Thanks in advance.


My F-15 Eagles can reach Mach 1 at sea level, but that's the hard-coded limit in the sim at present. The earliest we'll see true supersonic is mid-2021, according to Asobo, as Microsoft do not consider it a "priority" apparently.

Shockwaves and other trans-sonic phenomena have to be modeled in at this time, though I'm very much hoping effects will be created by Asobo when the time comes.

Ported FSX models using the "legacy" flight model can reach Mach 2 no problem.
Have we got there yet in MSFS2020?

I have a strong urge to do it.

Does Dino's demon manage it?

What happens when you do - shock-waves?, noise, controls to opposite as C of G shifts.
Done it many, may times in P3D, FSX, etc. Really wondering about the NEW sim.

Answers on a postcard please, with photographic evidence if you feel the need.
Thanks in advance.


Well, I wonder if the speed dial on Dino's F-14 or Informatica Eurofighters are wrong. Definitely going above Mach 1.
I've been above Mach 3 in MSFS, but the flight was not pleasant at all, engines were surging, and flight dynamics just hideous.

Once supersonic flight dynamics are in MSFS I'll try again.