Surgery Success !!!!!

T Square

Charter Member
Well I'm finally released from Hospital after Kidney removal. get my staples ot tomorrow. Other than being extremely sore and not being able to sit-up for very long I'm feeling pretty good. Biopsey on my Kidney was definitely cancer, in advanced stage but had not spread outside of the right Kidney (so far:applause:). My Doctor has set aside Her afternoon tomorrow to pullmy staples and answer any and all questions, asked alot already but I have quite a few more now. I feel pretty good considering the events of the last 4 months, and feel equaly blessed to be here and still kickin'. My Son made me feel pretty good, I overheard him talking to a friend of his in hospital while I was in and out. He told his friend that I was one tough S.O.B. He says "My Dad has been cut from the middile of his chest to his backbone, they took out a rib and a kidney, put him back together with 40 staples, and 10 hours later he,s already hittin' on the Nurses, like its Friday night at the NCO Club. Surgery that was nothin for him, I'm afraid he won't survive the beatin' Mom's gonna give if he don't stop flirtin' with the Nurses." I raised him well !
WTG T-S!!! I hope you're feeling like new soon. You certainly sound well. Thanks for the update.
T, that's great news. Best wishes for a full recovery, and stay vigilant. Cancer hates to lose a fight.
Good news to hear T Square, prayers for a speedy recovery mate. Nurses, what nurses, Mmmm, sponge bathes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Purrrrrrrrrr!

Glad to hear the good news T-Square.
Had a friend of mine with a bum kidney a few years ago. They took it out and he was suprised how much better he felt right off the bat. We'll continue praying for your full recovery and a pat on the back for that future NCO Son of yours:)

To the Families and Friends of those who've made the ultimate Sacrifice and to the Veterans still with us, Your duty, sacrifice, courage and Honor will never be forgotten. Thank you!:ernae:
Great news, Tee Square. We've been rootin' ( and prayin') for ya. Now leave those nurses alone before ya bust sometin' else!

- H52
Wooooo Hoooooo!

Bring the BESTest nurses to take care of you and give you TLC!** (Tender Love and Care)
We are happy for you T-Square!
Praying for your speedy recovery...