suzuya progress


G'day all,a quick update on the Suzuya,finally starting to look like what I want..nearly finished the bridge and touching up the boiler stacks currently,still having some issues with the 8in guns (still only have c turret working..),but all AA works fine:isadizzy:,sorry the pic doesn't show the ship close up,but don't seem to be able to get close enough without getting my bum shot off..
cheers JView attachment 84426
G'day all,a quick update on the Suzuya,finally starting to look like what I want..nearly finished the bridge and touching up the boiler stacks currently,still having some issues with the 8in guns (still only have c turret working..),but all AA works fine:isadizzy:,sorry the pic doesn't show the ship close up,but don't seem to be able to get close enough without getting my bum shot off..
cheers J

:applause: Well its entirely appropriate that such a fine capital ship would shoot your bum off if you dared take her lightly....:icon_lol:

On the 8in guns, have you looked at her in the m3dviewer window of cfs3, and tried the gunstations in that mode, it should show if the problem is with the model itself or in the syntax of the gunstations in the xdp file?

Can't wait to try and fly past her myself :icon30:
Haven't tried the m3d viewer yet (gotta set that up on the new rig..).I think the problem is in the model though as I have tried several different versions of the xdp's gunstation types (started with a stock gun type..),and the problem has been there almost from day one,even deleted the original guns and rebuilt them from scratch..will try the viewer tonight and see if that sheds some light and go back to the xdp just in case..
cheers J..
Haven't tried the m3d viewer yet (gotta set that up on the new rig..).I think the problem is in the model though as I have tried several different versions of the xdp's gunstation types (started with a stock gun type..),and the problem has been there almost from day one,even deleted the original guns and rebuilt them from scratch..will try the viewer tonight and see if that sheds some light and go back to the xdp just in case..
cheers J..

Yes if all the gunstations show up in the viewer, and you can pan and elevate them separately, that means you have a good model and can concentrate on the xdp file. Recently I've checked a couple of models of ships in m3d view, where two gunstations are linked together somehow, so pushing the elevation slider works both guns. For one model, both the elevation slider and the pan slider only work to elevate on of the gunstations - then its clearly a problem with the model.

Good luck I'm keen to see this beauty!
After checking out the model and xdp files etc I found there wasn't anything wrong with either except that I had missed a letter in the c turrets (the one that worked:isadizzy:..) gun type..made me start thinking somewhat,and then it kinda clicked that the gun was using a default gun on c turret..ok I figure,I'll just correct it's name,did that and then promptly found that none of the 8in guns worked!..hmmm,maybe i should be looking at the guns xdp (203mm60_gun,from memory a stock gun type..),checked and changed a couple of things to match a gun that I knew that worked,still no luck..grrr..getting the irrits now but finally nutting out what's going on here,changed the gun for a 240mm then tested and now I have a heavy cruiser that will take a poke at anything nearby!:jump:,so I guess a couple of my gun xdp's have corrupted as I have since noticed that the a_cruiser (8in55_gun..)that the suzuya is chasing in my test mission doesn't seem interested in firing back either..thanks for the advise,kinda made think outside the box a bit..
After checking out the model and xdp files etc I found there wasn't anything wrong with either except that I had missed a letter in the c turrets (the one that worked:isadizzy:..) gun type..made me start thinking somewhat,and then it kinda clicked that the gun was using a default gun on c turret..ok I figure,I'll just correct it's name,did that and then promptly found that none of the 8in guns worked!..hmmm,maybe i should be looking at the guns xdp (203mm60_gun,from memory a stock gun type..),checked and changed a couple of things to match a gun that I knew that worked,still no luck..grrr..getting the irrits now but finally nutting out what's going on here,changed the gun for a 240mm then tested and now I have a heavy cruiser that will take a poke at anything nearby!:jump:,so I guess a couple of my gun xdp's have corrupted as I have since noticed that the a_cruiser (8in55_gun..)that the suzuya is chasing in my test mission doesn't seem interested in firing back either..thanks for the advise,kinda made think outside the box a bit..

Oh well, typos in xdp files are a risk for anybody delving into CFS3!! I use a comparison software and am continually checking my tweaked xdp files against stock, to ensure I haven't stuffed something up!

The stock a_cruiser is not a very good model to start on, from the point of view that IIRC the rear guns never worked properly.....So if you are chasing it, it cannot shoot back. I suggest you try a head-on pass instead.

Oh, and if you can fix the a_cruiser you would be a legend.. :salute:
Deleted the XDP's for both the 203mm and the 8in55 guns last night,then reinstalled them straight from the disk (zapped the bdp's as well..) and made another test mission which have all the ships involved running headlong at each other and eventually crossing paths so I could test the guns tracking/panning etc,and to see if I could get the suzuya to broadside (uh,yup..) torpedo launchers to move onto next!..gonna have a look into the a_cruiser problem as I figured that it was just part of the bung file issues I was having..seems I've been missing out on some eye candy for a while!..the gun problem has had me hung up for a while,as I didn't want to upload it if it everything didn't work how I wanted,it did give me the chance to go back and sort the bridge out finally and play with the textures again..more pics on the way soon!
A_Cruiser Faults

Thanks for looking into the a_cruiser issue! I checked it again in m3d viewer last night. Whilst there are 12 gunstations showing, and can be found in the .m3d file, only the top 7 will pan and elevate in the m3d viewer. Those first 7 gunstations are ALL up the front of the cruiser, so the rear 8in gun turret, two 5in guns and two AA stations do not function in the m3d viewer.

Any time I try to edit the .m3d file directly, I just get a bung model. All part of the IP of MS, I suppose - even their bung stuff cannot be hacked/edited to fix it.