Both Aircraft:
Sim: FS9
MP: 31”
RPM: 2000
ALT: 5000 FT
WT: 65,500 LBS
KIAS: 165
WT: 61,400 LBS
KIAS: 220
The chart is from T.O. 1C-54D-1, which is the C-54 pilot manual.
On the chart, Blue = FSBD, and Red = JBK. The Xs are speeds from the sim, and the lines are what the chart says the speed should be for the conditions specified.
The chart shows what the speed should be at the specified weight, power settings, altitude, and mixture setting. According to the chart, the JBK ought to have been going 178 knots. In the sim, the plane went 165 knots (13 knots slow.) The FSDB plane should have been making 182 knots by the chart, but in fact was making 220 (38 knots fast.)
So, based on this, it would seem the FSDB model is a bit “hot” and the JBK one is authorized for the event. The JBK model is newer and has a VC too.
All the above assumes I was reading the charts correctly...
Sim: FS9
MP: 31”
RPM: 2000
ALT: 5000 FT
WT: 65,500 LBS
KIAS: 165
WT: 61,400 LBS
KIAS: 220
The chart is from T.O. 1C-54D-1, which is the C-54 pilot manual.
On the chart, Blue = FSBD, and Red = JBK. The Xs are speeds from the sim, and the lines are what the chart says the speed should be for the conditions specified.
The chart shows what the speed should be at the specified weight, power settings, altitude, and mixture setting. According to the chart, the JBK ought to have been going 178 knots. In the sim, the plane went 165 knots (13 knots slow.) The FSDB plane should have been making 182 knots by the chart, but in fact was making 220 (38 knots fast.)
So, based on this, it would seem the FSDB model is a bit “hot” and the JBK one is authorized for the event. The JBK model is newer and has a VC too.
All the above assumes I was reading the charts correctly...