Swingman's Grumman Duck J2F5

There was not a J2F5 in the original package by Swingman. Swingman sent me his Gmax source files and I passed them to a modeler who did some tweaking to the texture mapping and who did up the J2F5 model. I have the new versions of the Ducks on hand.....just need to get them finalized with some tweaks and get them uploaded. Will be working on that this week and get them uploaded to the library very soon.


Between you, Milton and a few others in the forum I can see we may need a scoreboard on all the various projects in the works.

Looking forward to the updates on the Duck.

You should see the two drives I use for sim stuff. I have projects stacked like fire wood. Some have been in that stack for 3 or 4 years....buried under all the other projects that got tossed on top of them. Some projects will likely never be finished...some projects, to be honest, I have no idea why I started.....why do I feel the need to tweak planes that I really never fly?


Looks like it's time to revisit my original question - "Was there ever an J2F5 available for FS9??"

OBIO, do those new versions have a J2F5??

Sure would be nice for FS9.

The tweaked packages of Swingman's Duck cover the J2F5 and J2F6 Ducks. I will be contacting Full to see if he will be tweaking the J2F4 Duck as he did with the J2F5 and J2F6 models....those tweaks being real prop blur discs and de-mirrored texturing on the wings, vertical and horizontal tail surfaces.

I have the J2F5 and J2F6 packages tweaked, tested, and 99% ready for uploading. I need to do up the read me files for them, and will get them uploaded before going to work tomorrow.
