switching sound cfgs


Charter Member
Hey I would like to know if there is any other way of switching sound cfgs besides aliasing from another aircraft sound cfg. the reason is I like the sounds of the plane I am aliasing from, all but a few sounds. I would like to get rid of these, is there a way to use that planes sound cfg that I am aliasing from and modify it to my liking. If there is how do you do it Thanks:banghead:
Copy the complete sound folder from the first plane to the second, then open the sound folder in the second plane, then open the sound cfg file, try to locate those sounds you don't like and disable them or replace them.
Hey PhantomP, I'm an absolute nut re:getting the right (or closest) sound file for all my birds. To this end I make a separate folder containing all my "preferred" sound sets and simply alias the selected one for a particular bird. There are a lot of high quality sounds sets available on line and usually are much more representative of the real life version.

The most important thing I've found is after searching the internet for the correct engine is to make sure the reference sound folder contains the type of engine. I often copy in the Wikipedia link for that engine for future reference. This makes the selection process much easier.

Obviously saving all your "approved" sounds sets to this central sound folder will reduce the storage space as each sound set takes up mucho space and also does not compress very well when ya zip 'em up.

Hope this was a bit clearer than mud.
Thanks guys I already tried what you said to do pfflyers but that did not work thanks for the info guys still scratching my head
I do what 'racartron' does (or something similar)
In my Aircraft folder (FS9 - I don't have FSX yet) I have a folder named Sounds
In this folder I have a large number of folders containing engine sounds - each sound folder has a specific name - it could be just 'radial' or 'F-15', or something more detailed like 'A340-200300 CFM56-5CX'
My sounds folder currently has 150 different sounds (about 3.5Gb) but these are shared by a lot of aircraft so I actually save space.

When you have an aircraft that does not have it's own sound, the sound config. file (in the aircraft sound folder) will probably read something like "alias=b737_400\sound" - a lot of airliner addons have this.
If the aircraft was a A340 (with CFM56 engines) I would then change the config to read
"alias=Sounds\A340-200300 CFM56-5CX "
This directs FS9 to my Aircraft\sounds\A340-200300 CFM56-5CX folder and the aircraft will use the sounds in that folder.

You can use the same system for panels too.

Not having FSX, I do't know how it's file system works but it could be similar (or not:isadizzy: )

I hope that this helps.