hmm this is the readme in my version...guess i better go look again..
Fairey Swordfih MkI by 6°Stormo "Diavoli Rossi"
This is a beta version of the new Swordfish Mk1 aircraft model.
The 3D model has been made by 6Sc.Tamat; the import, java classes coding and FM was made by 6S.Maraz
This version is compatible with AAA Unified Installer 1.1 and AAA a/c Installer 3.8 or subsequent versions.
(thanks to AAA modding team, see
This is a beta version, it's not the final product. so we ask all users to accept it as is now, the final version will come soon.
We decided to release this playable beta version to get feedback or bug reports from users, and to increase playability of the
IL-2 game by adding a new /c model, though unfinished.
This beta version has not finished original cockpits: the pilot's cockpit is taken from I-16, while the gunner's cockpit is a very rough version of the original Swordfish gunner's cockpit. The skin of this aircraft is a beta version too.
For the rest, the model is completed and playable. It has full ordnance, including torpedoes, various types of bombs and illuminating flares (these are dropped using the weapons3 key).
The rear gun has two positions: stowed and deployed (ready to fire). The gun automatically deploys when there are enemy aircraft, ships or vehicles around, and stowes again when the threat is away. Can also be deployed/stowed by the player using the airbrake key.
The aircraft has arrestor hook, folding wings and automatically deployed wing slats.
1) download and install AAA aircrraft installer 3.8 (or the latest version of AAA installer), courtesy AAA:
2) unzip the content of the zip file into your IL-2-1946 root folder
3) add the following line to your air.ini file (to be found under MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects)
SwordfishMkI air.Swordfish1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
4) add the following line to your file (to be found under MODS\STD\i18n)
SwordfishMkI Swordfish Mk I, 1936
4) add the following lines to your file (to be found under MODS\STD\i18n)
# Swordfish MkI
SwordfishMkI.default Default
SwordfishMkI.1_1xTorpedo 1 x Torpedo
SwordfishMkI.2_3x500lb 3 x 500 lb bombs
SwordfishMkI.3_1x500lb+4x250lb 1 x 500 lb + 4 x 250 lb bombs
SwordfishMkI.4_1x500lb+8x100lb 1 x 500 lb + 8 x 100 lb bombs
SwordfishMkI.5_3x500lb+8xflare 3 x 500 lb bombs + 8 x flares
SwordfishMkI.6_1xtorpedo+8xflare 1 x Torpedo + 8 x flares
SwordfishMkI.7_1x500lb+4x250lb+8xflare 1 x 500 lb + 4 x 250 lb bombs + 8 x flares
SwordfishMkI.none Empty
5) enjoy !