

Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Need a hand - can someone send me the main folder for the swordfish? I do not have MAW/ETO installed right now and need all the folders and files so I can mod them and get the pylons finished.

(email addy removed by moderator)
Why don't you just use the ground crew one with the MAW cockpit and weapons for now??? I did it back then.. and I liked said outcome!!:wavey:
Ted has kindly taken it upon himself to add a prop to the MAW Swordfish, and I'll wager you'll like this outcome even better!
The DR_S-fish_Float does not have propeller either, hope that Ted will also address this problem :wiggle:.
Ok, now I'm catching up. I just assumed M3D's with the MAW skins would be uploaded somewhere, but after reading the thread again I think I'm going to have to do the texture fix myself. Can someone recommend a hex editor to use. I guess what I need to do is replace the M3D files for each MAW stand alone with the new files supplied by Ted and then open them with a hex editor and change the texture to the MAW texture for each stand alone. Is that correct?

Thanks! (Can't believe I've been sitting here for over a month waiting for the prop when I should have been doing something myself all along...lol)

Once I replace the texture entries for the default MAW stand alones should I upload the M3D files somewhere so they can be easily used by newbs (like me!)?
Once I replace the texture entries for the default MAW stand alones should I upload the M3D files somewhere so they can be easily used by newbs (like me!)?

You might have to ask the members of the Desert Rats team for permission before you can upload the M3D files once you get them converted for the specific textures. I believe Nachtpiloten had to ask them before he uploaded the updated model with the propeller from the start.

The other swordfish models josepicos mentioned adding a virtual cockpit can be found here :http://www.mrjmaint.com/RegsHanger/...3/aircraft/Ground Crew Design CFS3 Planes.php

It's a lot easier to just add a VC to the Groundcrew Swordfish then to figure out how a Hex editor works.
Hi Guys,

Kodiak, Hex editing is easy. I use a hex editor called XV132, its free just google it. when you open the model file in the hex editor you get to panels of information, the one on the right is where you want to look for texture name editing.

Use the little search tab and search by ".dds" then hit ok, it will take you to the first texture file listed. then simply scroll down reading all the texture names until you see the one you want to edit. then simple type the new name over the top of the old. (note: name must have same number of characters) then hit close and save. You'll need to look in all the model files for a given plane as main textures are used by the cockpit files as well.

delete the .bdp file in your aircraft folder and your good to go. its that simple. it looks complicated at first but once you've used it a couple of times it easy. below is a screen shot of what the hex editor looks like.

Happy to guide you through in more detail if you get stuck.

regards Rob.


  • hex.jpg
    127.3 KB · Views: 3
Swordfish files

These files are property of the original artists and I was given the source files since I had worked on several other meshes from these folks. I would not modify any files without first seeking permission, which I am certain you will get but ask.:dizzy:
Hi Guys,

Kodiak, Hex editing is easy. I use a hex editor called XV132, its free just google it. when you open the model file in the hex editor you get to panels of information, the one on the right is where you want to look for texture name editing.

Use the little search tab and search by ".dds" then hit ok, it will take you to the first texture file listed. then simply scroll down reading all the texture names until you see the one you want to edit. then simple type the new name over the top of the old. (note: name must have same number of characters) then hit close and save. You'll need to look in all the model files for a given plane as main textures are used by the cockpit files as well.

delete the .bdp file in your aircraft folder and your good to go. its that simple. it looks complicated at first but once you've used it a couple of times it easy. below is a screen shot of what the hex editor looks like.

Happy to guide you through in more detail if you get stuck.

regards Rob.

Thanks for the info, Rob. I'll get XV132 downloaded in the next day or so and give it a shot. Thanks for offering to help if I get stuck.

Cheers! :ernaehrung004:

These files are property of the original artists and I was given the source files since I had worked on several other meshes from these folks. I would not modify any files without first seeking permission, which I am certain you will get but ask.:dizzy:

Ok, Ted, I won't upload these files anywhere. Do they want a permission note from each person that updates the textures for personal use, or is it just for upload and distribution? I wasn't trying to make this difficult. How about if I just modify the files to add the stock MAW textures for personal use only. I'll leave it up to those of you more familiar with the ropes around here to get permission for distribution, or not. My original thought was just to make it easy for newbs to run the prop version of the Swordfish with the stock MAW textures, not to stir up any trouble. So I'll stay out of this and just fix them for myself :smile-new:
