Hi Guys,
Kodiak, Hex editing is easy. I use a hex editor called XV132, its free just google it. when you open the model file in the hex editor you get to panels of information, the one on the right is where you want to look for texture name editing.
Use the little search tab and search by ".dds" then hit ok, it will take you to the first texture file listed. then simply scroll down reading all the texture names until you see the one you want to edit. then simple type the new name over the top of the old. (note: name must have same number of characters) then hit close and save. You'll need to look in all the model files for a given plane as main textures are used by the cockpit files as well.
delete the .bdp file in your aircraft folder and your good to go. its that simple. it looks complicated at first but once you've used it a couple of times it easy. below is a screen shot of what the hex editor looks like.
Happy to guide you through in more detail if you get stuck.
regards Rob.