SWS Kodiak 100 - final MSFS2020 update released

Paul K

I think quite a number of us at SOH have this aircraft. The final full update for the MSFS2020 Kodiak has now been released, and other than small patches, SWS says the focus now is porting the aircraft over to MSFS2024.

The update is available in the downloads section of your SWS account ( assuming you bought it directly from them ). The change log is as linked below.


Please note: This applies to the wheels version only.
My biggest issue with that plane after the last update has been a mystery alarm that would go off with no warning message and everything in the green. If they've fixed that, I'll start making rum shipments in the Caribbean again!
My biggest issue with that plane after the last update has been a mystery alarm that would go off with no warning message and everything in the green. If they've fixed that, I'll start making rum shipments in the Caribbean again!
My biggest issue with that plane after the last update has been a mystery alarm that would go off with no warning message and everything in the green. If they've fixed that, I'll start making rum shipments in the Caribbean again!

Can't say I've encountered the mystery alarm; I'll keep an eye/ear out for it. The trouble is that whenever I fly anything complex, there are so many alarms going off that a mystery one will probably go unnoticed.
Just did a completely uneventful flight from Honolulu to Kona with the updated package, and I must say it was nice. I also found a couple of new click spots on the doors that toggle the pilot and copilot visibility. I don't know if they were always there, but it's a nice touch.