T-37 tweet


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any talk about a Cessna T-37 being in the works at all? there was one years ago,but i could never get it to work with the pc i had back then and i doubt its even around now?

but id love to have one.
SWS did it to P3D but I didnt hear thet thay want to bring it to MSFS, maybe far future I suppose.
The SWS Tweet is a fantastic model, I miss flying it. Hopefully they will get it into FS2020 in the not too distant future.
This strikes me as one of those jets which would be ideal for a freeware developer to model, be that someone experienced or someone who just loves the aircraft and is inspired and motivated enough to have a go for the first time. We now have Blender (rather than just GMAX or 3DS Max) with official plugin, plus the SDK documentation is coming along well. Just my 2c/2p...
The original T-37 model was done by a couple of RW Tweet pilots. They called themselves 'Microsimulator' and released their lovechild initially for FS2002. It happend to be a fantastic model, from the very realistic soundsuite to the smallest rivet all done by pilots who flew it. Somehow they got fed up with the flightsim world presumably and closed down their Tweet project. Here's some more info : https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/485214-t-37-tweety-bird-by-microsimulator/

It used to be a superb and very special model for FS2002 and FS9 (later on) just because it was made by RW pilots and somehow you could very much sense that. It was simply a joy to fly and look at. Indeed my neighbours had a different opinion... ;)

This is a Dutch website (back in those days Dutch militairy pilots were trained in the US flying the T-37) but it has 2 videos regarding the further developments of the original Microsimulator Tweet model by SWS. https://www.simflight.nl/2019/12/08/cessna-t-37b-tweet-komt-weer-terug/
I own the SWS model and also had the FS9 model in the old days.

I would love for SWS to bring over their model to MSFS, instant buy for me!

I asked SWS about the Tweet on their Discord channel and they said they're porting the Phantom and BUFF over from P3D, but that the T-37 "is a more complicated matter" but they're looking into it. Hope it happens!