OK - now it's my turn to rant. All of this catering to the console users is getting out of hand. There is just too much interaction needed in a flight sim to be able to do everything with a controller that only has 15 total buttons. Console users should be advised to use a mouse and keyboard like the rest of us.
Now they've taken the axis function out of t-prop condition levers (used to be same mapping as piston Mixture), and made it a glorified switch - apparently to make it easier for console users. Meanwhile, there are a few hundred thousand throttle quadrant users (and a few of us die-hard X52 users) that are wondering exactly what good their fancy hardware is and why they spent so much money on them just for the dev's to turn around and take away 33% of their functionality!
Now they've taken the axis function out of t-prop condition levers (used to be same mapping as piston Mixture), and made it a glorified switch - apparently to make it easier for console users. Meanwhile, there are a few hundred thousand throttle quadrant users (and a few of us die-hard X52 users) that are wondering exactly what good their fancy hardware is and why they spent so much money on them just for the dev's to turn around and take away 33% of their functionality!